Limit Order Quantity Per Customer Configuration Settings

Settings of Limit Order Quantity Per Customer

Allowing Customers to Manage Order Quantity

At the backend, go to Addify EXTENSIONS > Addify Restrict Order By Customer > Manage Restrict Order Quantity. Here you will have access to the restricted order quantity grid. Here, you can perform the following actions:

1. Add New

2. Edit Existing Redirect

3. Delete the Record

4. Enable/Disabled

5. Inline Edit

Creating New Rule for Restricting Order Quantity

Click “Add New” to create a new order quantity limitation rule. Here you can specify the following to apply order limitations based on:

1. Products

2. Categories

3. Customer

4. Customer Group

Restrict Order Information:

Title: Enter a custom title for the rule

Store View: Choose from the below-mentioned store view options:

  • All Store Views
  • Main Website
  • Main Website Store
  • Default Store View

Customer Group:

  • All Groups
  • Not Logged In
  • General
  • Wholesale
  • Retailer

Priority: Set a priority for the restriction rule

Enable: Enable/disable a restriction rule

Minimum Quantity: Specify the minimum quantity for the order restriction

Maximum Quantity: Specify the maximum quantity for the order restriction


Find the complete log of customers’ details in the form of a grid. Here, you can select a specific customer to apply the restriction rule. The customer details in the grid are as follows:

  • ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email

Perform bulk actions by checking the box on the extreme left column.

Products Configuration:

Using: Choose the products from the two options:

  • All Products
  • Individual Products

If you choose “Individual Products”, select the product(s) from the grid displayed.

Related Products:

All products are mentioned in a grid with complete information:

  • ID
  • Name
  • SKU
  • Visibility
  • Status
  • Price

You can apply filters to find a specific product. You can also perform bulk action to select multiple products at once.