About Magento 2 Restore Cancelled Order Extension

Overview of Magento 2 Restore Cancelled Order Extension

What does the plugin do

Magento 2 Restore Cancelled Order Extension is specifically designed to address situations where customers change their minds after cancelling an order. Currently, Magento 2 does not provide a built-in solution for this scenario. The extension allows you to restore cancelled order from the Orders Grid and the Order Detail Page. Whether the admin or the customer initiated the cancellation, you can conveniently undo it.


Enhance customer satisfaction and ensure a seamless shopping experience by incorporating this Magento 2 extension in your store. 

  • Enable to restore cancelled orders
  • Restore cancelled order to its original state
  • Restore cancelled orders from the grid or Order Detail page
  • Perform bulk operation to restore orders from the orders grid
  • Allow restoring multiple purchase requests
  • Recover an individual purchase request from the Order View page