Setting Up Prestashop Approve New User Registrations

Allowing Manual and Auto Approval of New User Registrations

Enabling Manual and Auto Approval

General Settings: 

Enable Manual Approve User: Allows admins to manually approve each new user registration request

  • Send Default Confirmation Email: Sends a standard confirmation email to users upon successful registration
  • Send Pending Email: Sends an email notifying users that their registration is under review
  • Send Decline Email: Sends an email to users if their registration request has been declined
  • Send Approval Email: Sends an email to users once their registration request is approved
  • Send Notification Emails to Admin: Sends a notification email to the admin each time a new user registration is submitted
  • Send Employee Emails: Sends notifications to specific employees about new user registrations
    • Employee Emails: Enter employee email addresses, separated by commas
  • Auto Assign Customer Group: Automatically assigns new users to a specific customer group upon approval
    • Group: Select the customer group(s) to auto-assign
  • Customer Notification: Sends a custom notification message to users regarding their registration status
    • Customer Notification Message: Personalize the message sent to users about their registration status
  • Scheduled Manual Approval Moderation: Enables manual approval of user registrations within a specified date range
    • Start Date: Enter the start date for manual approval moderation
    • End Date: Enter the end date for manual approval moderation

Enable Auto Approve User: Automatically approves user registrations without manual intervention

  • Auto Assign Customer Group: Automatically assigns new users to a specific customer group upon auto-approval
    • Customer Group: Choose from available customer groups (visitor, guest, customer) to auto-assign
  • Scheduled Auto Approval Moderation: Automatically approves user registrations within a specified date range
    • Start Date: Enter the start date for auto approval moderation
    • End Date: Enter the end date for auto approval moderation

Click “Save” to apply all the configuration changes.

Approving Each User Request Manually 

User Requests: 

Under the User Requests section, all pending user registrations will be displayed. Admins can manually review and approve each request based on their store’s policies or specific user details.