Setting Up PrestaShop Cancel Order by Customer

Allowing Customers to Cancel Orders 

Activating Cancel Orders by Customers

General Settings: 

Module Status: Toggle the switch to activate the module

Customer Email: When enabled, customers will receive an email confirmation when they cancel an order

Admin Email: When enabled, the store admin will receive an email notification when a customer cancels an order

Customizing the Cancel Order Button

Cancel Button Text: Enter the desired text to be displayed on the cancel button

Cancel Button Text Color: Choose the color for the cancel button text

Cancel Button Background Color: Choose the background color for the cancel button

Limiting the Option to Cancel Based on Customer Group and Categories

Customer Group: Toggle the switch to Enable or Disable the feature

  • Customer Groups: If enabled, select the specific customer groups for which the cancel option will be shown

Category: Toggle the switch to Enable or Disable the feature

  • Categories: If enabled, select the specific categories for which the cancel option will be shown

Showing Cancel Option for Specific Order Statuses

Cancel Order Status: Toggle the switch to Enable or Disable the feature

  • Enable Cancel Order For: If enabled, select the specific order statuses for which the cancel order option will appear. If disabled, the cancel order option will appear for all order statuses.

After configuring the settings, click on Save to apply the changes.