Create Multiple Extra Payment Gateway Fee & Discount Rules

Creating New Extra Payment Gateway Fee & Discount Rule

You can create multiple rules to add fee or discount on specific payment gateways based on customer groups, order amount, products and more.
While creating new rule you can customize following settings:

Rule’s General Setting

While creating a new rule, you can customize these settings.

  • Enable/disable rule
  • Add custom rule name for future reference
  • Enter the detail of rule in description box.
  • Select payment method on which rule will be based
  • Set custom field priority (1 is highest priority)

Action Settings

The actions tab allows you to add the fee or discount based on the payment gateway select in general tab. You can choose to apply either fee or discount in fixed, percentage amount or both.
Once the general settings and action is configured you need to select at least one condition from the subsequent tabs to apply the fee. Details below,

Rule’s Condition

Once the general settings and action is configured you need to select at least one condition from the subsequent tabs to apply the fee. You can select any of the following,

  • Order Amount Selection: Add minimum and maximum order amount to apply discount
  • Country Selection: Enable and select countries for which you want to apply the discount/fee
  • Customer Group Selection: Select user roles for which you want to apply discount/fee
  • Product Selection: Select individual products – when any of the select product is in cart the discount/fee will be applied
  • Category Selection: Select categories – when any of the product in cart belongs to the selected category, the discount/fee will be applied
  • Manufacturer Selection: Select Manufacturer – when any of the product in cart belongs to the selected manufacturer, the discount/fee will be applied
  • Supplier Selection: Select Supplier – when any of the product in cart belongs to the selected Supplier, the discount/fee will be applied

If you want to apply for everyone irrespective of the product in cart, order amount or customer groups. You can enable the customer groups selection tab and select all customer groups.