Create Multiple Product Attachments Pro Rules

Viewing Product Attachment Pro Rules in a Log

Rules Log

Here you can:

  • View a complete list of all rules created in a log
  • Access the following details for each rule:
    • ID
    • Title
    • Priority
    • Added Date
    • Updated Date
    • Status
  • Change the status of rules
  • Edit or delete any existing rule 
  • Perform bulk actions on multiple rules at once

Adding A New Rule

Click on “+” sign to create a new rule and fill in the following details:

Add Rule:

Rule Enable: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to enable or disable the rule

Title: Enter a title for the rule

Priority: Specify a numeric value to determine the rule’s priority

Download Limit: Set a numeric value to specify the download limit for attached files

Accessibility Only After the Order: Enable this option to show attachments to customers only after they’ve placed an order

Groups: Select the customer group(s) that you want to show attachments to. You can customize the attachment visibility based on customer segments, including:

  • Visitor 
  • Guest 
  • Customer

File: Select the files you want to display as attachments

  • Attach a new file: Click this button if you want to attach a new file. On the file attaching page, you can configure the following options;
    • File Name: Customize the file name
    • Description: Personalize the file description
    • File: Browse and choose file(s) to add 

Search Products: Search and link specific products you want to associate with attachments 

Categories: Search and link specific categories you want to associate with attachments
After making the desired changes, click “Save” button to apply the new settings. Click the “Cancel” button to discard.

Viewing Downloaded File Data

Under the rule section, you’ll find a table displaying downloaded file data. Here, you can:

  • View all the download file data 
  • Access the following details:
    • ID
    • Customer Name
    • Product Name
    • File Name
    • Attachment ID
    • Visitor ID
    • Customer Email
    • Counter
  • Delete any existing entry
  • Perform bulk actions