Customizing Settings of Request a Quote
Enabling Request a Quote and Offered Price
General Settings:
Active: Choose “Yes” to activate the module
Show Offered Price: Choose “Yes” to display offered product price in the quote
Shop/Manager Email: Add admin email to receive notifications when a quotation is submitted
Customizing Quote Form Fields
Form Settings:
Active File Upload: Choose from a “Yes” or “No” to enable/disable file upload
Enter Label for File Upload: Add a custom text to set as a label for file upload
Active Text type: Choose from a “Yes” or “No” to enable/disable the text type
Enter Label for Text type: Add a custom text to set as a label for the text type
Enter Placeholder Text type Input: Add a custom placeholder text type input
Active Dropdown Field: Choose from a “Yes” or “No” to enable/disable the dropdown field
Enter Label for Dropdown Field: Add a custom text to set as a label for the dropdown field
Enter Comma Separated Options for Dropdown Field: Add custom comma-separated options for the dropdown field
Active Multi-select Field: Choose from a “Yes” or “No” to enable/disable the multi-select field
Enter Label for Multi-select Field: Add a custom text to set as a label for the multi-select field
Enter Comma Separated Options for Multi-select Field: Add custom comma-separated options for the multi-select field
Create Multiple Request a Quote Rules
View Request a Quote rules created in a grid form. The following information is available for each rule:
- ID
- Title
- Priority
- Status
- Added Date
- Update Date
Choose to edit an existing rule or create a new rule by clicking on the “+” button. Refresh or perform bulk actions when necessary.
Adding a New Rule
To create a new rule, enter the following details:
Title: Enter a custom rule title
Priority: Set rule priority
Active: Enable/disable this request a quote rule
Hide Price: Choose “Yes” or “No” to enable/disable the hide price
Hide Add To Cart Button: Choose “Yes” or “No” to hide add to cart button
Button Text Color: Set a custom button text color
Button Background Color: Set a custom background color for the button
Group Request A Quote: Choose customer groups to apply the rule:
- Visitor
- Guest
- Customer
Product type: Specify product type by choosing:
- All Product: If you choose this option, mention a category(s)
- Selected Product: If you choose this option, search and add product(s)
Button Text: Enter a custom button text
Viewing Submitted Quotes in a Grid
View all submitted quotes in a grid form at the module’s backend. You can view and edit quotes from here. The following information is available for each rule:
- ID
- Status
- Name
- Admin Note
- Added Date
- Update Date
Choose to edit an existing quote or perform bulk actions when necessary.
Modifying Quote in a Quote Detail Page
Quote Request: View the status of the quote request, view quote details with offered price, modify the admin price, set the expiry date, generate the cart URL, add an admin note, and resend the cart link to the customer.
Status: Choose from the options in a dropdown for admin reminder:
- Pending
- Accepted
- Rejected
Offered Price
Admin Price: Admin can set a custom price
Total: Represents the total amount considering the quantity
Expiry Date: Set an expiry date after which the quote will be expired
Generate Cart URL: Click to generate a unique cart URL for the specific quote
Admin Note: Admin can enter a custom note with a quote
Resend Cart Link to Customer: Choose “Yes” or “No” to resend the cart link to a customer
Sending Cart Link to Customer Via Email
The cart URL generated from a quote detail page can be sent to customers in an email which will take them directly to a cart page.
Viewing the Details of the Cart URL
As the customer clicks on the cart URL link sent via email, they will be redirected to a cart page displaying predefined products, quantity, and product price.
The customer can not add or remove anything from the cart page.
If the customer is satisfied with the products in the cart, they can proceed to checkout.
Send an Email to Confirm the Quote Submission
After the quote is submitted, the admin and customer will both receive an email regarding successful quote submission.
The details mentioned in the email include:
- Name
- Description
- Image
- Name
- Info
- Quantity
- Offered Price