Creating and Managing a Smart Refund System

Setting up Smart Refund System 

PrestaShop Smart Refund module provides a comprehensive set of features, including: 

  1. Refund Rules
  2. Return Addresses
  3. Return Reason List

You can access a complete list of all three in a separate log. With these functionalities, PrestaShop Smart Refund streamlines and enhances the management of refund rules, return addresses, and return reasons, ensuring a seamless and customer-centric return experience.

1. Rules: 

Access a complete list of refund rules, allowing you to define specific conditions and criteria for refund eligibility. In the Rules section, you can efficiently manage product refund rules by performing the following actions:

  • View all product refund rules in a log
  • Perform bulk actions on these rules
  • Change the status of each rule in a log
  • Take action to delete the rule
  • Add new product refund rules or edit existing ones

While creating a new rule, click on “+” and fill in the following options: 

Add Rule:

Rule Enable: Choose Yes to activate the rule

Title: Enter a unique title for the rule

Priority: Set a priority to the rule 

Groups: Select the customer group(s) which you want to apply the rule

Products: Search and add product(s) that you want to set as a refund

Categories: Search and add category(s) that you want to set as a refund

Minimum Sub-Total Order Amount: Enter a minimum sub-total order amount, after which the rule will apply

Order Status: Select the order status for the rule. The customer can refund an order that reaches one of these statuses:

  • Awaiting Bank Wire Payment
  • Awaiting Cash on Delivery
  • Awaiting Check Payment
  • Cancelled 
  • Delivered
  • On Backorder (Not Paid)
  • On Backorder (Paid)
  • Payment Accepted
  • Payment Error
  • Processing in Progress
  • Refunded
  • Remote Payment Accepted
  • Shipped

2. Return Address List:

Manage a list of return addresses that customers can select from when initiating a return. You can efficiently manage the return addresses by performing the following actions:

  • View a complete return address list in a log
  • Perform bulk actions 
  • Add a new return address or edit an existing one from the log 
  • Change the status of the return address from the log 

While creating a new return address, click on “+” and fill in the following options: 

Add Address: 

Address Enable: Choose Yes to enable the return address

Address Title: Add a custom title for the address

Address Line: Enter the complete address for the return

Zip Code: Enter a zip code for the return address

City: Enter a city to complete the return address

Country: Choose the country from the dropdown 

3. Return Reason List:

Maintain a list of return reasons that customers can choose from when requesting a return. In this section, you can efficiently manage the return reasons by performing the following actions:

  • View a complete return reason list in a log
  • Perform bulk actions 
  • Add a new reason or edit an existing one from the log 
  • Change the status of the return reason from the log 

While creating a new reason, click on “+” and fill in the following options: 

Add Reason: 

Reason Enable: Choose Yes to enable the reason for the return

Reason Title: Enter a unique reason title for future reference

Reason: Enter the reason for product return

Shipping Paid By: Specify the shipping payment from the two options available:

  • Store Owner
  • Customer