How to Display a Mini Quote Basket?

Showing Mini Quote Basket

To display a mini quote basket using the Request a Quote for WooCommerce plugin, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to WooCommerce > Request a Quote > Settings > General Settings.
  • In this section, checkmark on “Quote Basket Menu(s)” to allow menu by user role. 
  • Select the Menu where you want to show Mini Quote Basket.
  • Alternatively, You can add a quote basket by placing the shortcode [addify-mini-quote].
  • Click “Save Changes” to apply the settings.

Note: If there is no menu, then you have to create a menu in WordPress menus otherwise, the mini quote basket will not be displayed.

You can also choose to display a quote basket for select user roles and select a quote basket style to make it look more appealing. 

Once you have completed these steps, the mini quote basket will be displayed in the chosen widget area on your website. It typically shows the number of items in the quote basket and a link to view it or proceed to the quote request page.