About User Roles Editor for WooCommerce

Overview of User Roles Editor for WooCommerce

What does the plugin do

User Roles Editor for WooCommerce allows you to manage multiple users in a structured table format. View complete customer data and allow admins to assign primary or secondary roles to users and switch between roles. Additionally, the plugin enables the creation of new user roles with customizable capabilities. 


The plugin provides a comprehensive solution for managing customer information within WordPress. The features offered are:

  • View comprehensive customer information in a table, including:
    • ID
    • Avatar
    • Customer Name & Login 
    • User Role
    • Email and Phone Number
  • Assign primary or secondary roles to users
  • Easily switch between roles as needed
  • View existing user roles in a log
  • Create and edit multiple user roles
  • Define the type of capabilities for user roles
  • Specify custom capabilities for the new role
  • Perform bulk actions to delete user roles

Customization Options

Using the plugin, you can:

  • Enter a descriptive name for the new user role
  • Enter a unique key to identify the user role within WordPress