How to Add Multiple Emails for Users Regarding Pending Orders?

Adding Multiple Emails for Users

To add multiple emails for users regarding pending orders using the WooCommerce Pending Order Survey Email plugin, follow these steps:

Install and Activate the Plugin:

  • Start by installing and activating the WooCommerce Pending Order Survey Email plugin on your WordPress site.

Navigate to Email Settings:

  • Go to WooCommerce > Addify Pending Order Survey > Email.

Create a New Email Template:

  • Click on “Add New” to begin creating a new email template for your pending order surveys.

Add Title for the Email:

  • Enter a title for the email template to help you identify its purpose.

Customize Email Content:

  • Set custom email text including any relevant information such as coupons, order links, and the survey itself.

Configure Email Settings:

  • Define the subject line for your email in the “E-mail Subject” field.
  • Choose the status of the email (e.g., draft, pending, sent) in the “Status” dropdown menu.
  • Specify the time in minutes after which the email should be sent using the “Send After” field.

Set Coupon Settings:

  • Enter the value of the coupon to be included in the email in the “Coupon Value” field.
  • Choose between a percentage or fixed cart amount for the coupon using the “Type” dropdown menu.
  • Set the validity period for the coupon using the “Valid Till” field.

Review Email Details:

  • Gain insights into the emails sent including whether the email has been sent, how many orders have been recovered through the email, the conversion rate of the email, a list of order IDs to whom the emails have been sent, and the status against each order ID.

Publish the Email Template:

  • Once you’ve configured all settings for the email template, click on “Publish” to save and publish the email template.

By following these steps, you can create multiple email templates tailored to different scenarios or segments of your pending orders, allowing you to effectively communicate with your customers and encourage them to complete their orders.