How To Create Admin Credential For WordPress

Adding a user with administrator privileges in WordPress is a simple process. We strongly advise you to follow the procedures in this article to create a temporary, self-expiring admin user. If you are unable to install plugins, please follow the instructions below to establish an admin user.

WordPress site that is self-hosted

  • Log in to your WordPress account.

When you log in, you will be taken to your ‘Dashboard.’

  • Select ‘Users.’

A drop-down menu will appear on the left-hand side. Click on ‘Users’ in that menu.

  • Click the ‘Add New’ button.

Click the ‘Add New’ button at the top.

  • Fill out the form and select Administrator as your position.

Please DO NOT select the ‘Send User Notification’ box if you are establishing the account for us.

  • Select ‘Add New User’ from the drop-down menu.

Click the ‘Add New User’ button at the bottom of the form.

Please include the link to your admin login URL and the username in your email to us if you want us to be able to get into your website. Please do not send us your password in an email. We’ll construct a password for ourselves using the password reset tool.

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A dedicated content writer with a deep interest in e-commerce and website development. His expertise lies in creating content that resonates with audiences and drives growth for online businesses.

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