How to Implement Quantity Restrictions in Bulk on Products?

Implementing Quantity Restrictions in Bulk on Products

With the help of Limit Order Quantity Per Customer Extension, you can easily set up limits to order quantities for products in bulk, allowing you to save or clear your inventory as required.

Go to Addify EXTENSIONS > Addify Restrict Order By Customer > Manage Restrict Order Quantity

  • Click “Add New” to create a new order quantity limitation rule.
  • Enable the limitation rule.
  • Specify the Minimum Quantity and Maximum Quantity to apply the limitation rule for a specific individual(s).
  • Scroll down to Products Configuration. Select from the two options:
    • All Products
    • Individual Products

Choose “All Products” to apply the limitation rule to all products.

If you choose “Individual Products”, select the product(s) from the grid displayed.

  • To perform Bulk action on products, checkmark the box on the extreme left column. 
  • Multiple products will be selected at once.
  • Save the settings. 

Note: You can apply filters based on Name, SKU, Visibility, Status, and Price to get a list of desired products and perform bulk action easily.