Configure Customer Address Fields on Registration Form Settings

Enabling Customer Address Fields on Registration Form

Here, you can view and configure the module’s general settings, allowing you to customize its basic functionality.

General Settings

From these settings, you can create a new address section on customer’s registration pages. 

  • Active Module:  Enable it to activate the module 
  • Custom Heading for Address Fields: Enable it to add a new section of address fields on registration pages. If the option remains disabled, address fields will be displayed under the default section.
  • Custom Text: Add text for the new address section that you have enabled above.

Field Settings

Field settings allow you to add and manage multiple address fields by customizing their labels and positions. 

  • Address Fields Lable
    You can add customized text for each field’s heading. These fields include:
  • City 
  • Country 
  • Zip/Postal Code 
  • Alias 
  • Address Fields Positions 

Under each address field, you can find an option to add positions ( like 1st, 2nd etc). Default positions are: 

  • Alias at 1st
  • Address 2nd
  • City 3rd
  • State 4th
  • Zip Code 5th
  • Country 6th
  • Company 7th
  • VAT, phone, and DNI at 8, 9 and 10
  • Company Field 

You can add a company field on the login page and configure its following settings:            

  • Enable: Activate the button to show company field on registration page 
  • Required Field: From this button, you can choose to make company field mandatory or optional 
  • VAT Number 

You can select either to add VAT number on login page or to keep it hidden. Here are some customizations for this option:

  • Enable: Activate the option 
  • Required Field: Make it optional or mandatory
  • DNI 

By using this module, you can add a DNI field to collect additional information of customers.

  • Enable: Turn on the toggle button to activate DNI field 
  • Required Field: Choose to make it required or hide it from your customers.

After filling in the details, click on Save to make sure that every setting remains updated.