Setting Up Brands for WooCommerce

Adding a Dedicated Brand Taxonomy in Your Store

Creating a New Brand

To create a new brand in WooCommerce, go to WP Admin Panel > Products > Brands. Add a new brand by filling out the following data:

Name: Enter the name of the brand

Slug: Enter a URL-friendly version of the name

Parent Brand: Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy

Description: Enter a custom description for each brand

Brand Logo: Upload a custom image as the brand logo

URL: Set a custom URL to redirect instead of the archive page

Banner Image: Upload a custom image as the brand image

Featured Brand: Enable making the brand featured

Select Add New Brand to save.

Managing the Brands

Once you’re in the brand management interface, locate the brand you want to edit. Hover over the brand’s name, and you should see options to edit or delete the brand. Here, you can perform the following actions:

  • Access the complete list of brands
  • Edit a brand
  • Update brand information
  • Delete a brand
  • Reorder brands
  • Perform bulk actions

Assigning Brand to a Product

Assigning brands to products in WooCommerce is a straightforward process, similar to adding categories and tags. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Go to WP Admin Panel > Products. Edit a pre-existing product or create a new product to assign the brand. 
  • Find the Brands box in the right sidebar
  • Checkmark the box of brands you wish to assign to the product
  • Click on Update or Publish to save the changes

Configuring a Product Brand

Set up the general settings of the Brands for WooCommerce plugin using the following options:

Categorizing Product Brand Taxonomy:

Product Brand Taxonomy: Choose from the options to assign brand taxonomy to your store:

  • Default Brand
  • Product Category
  • Product Tags

Placing the Brand on Multiple Pages:

Choose the position of the brand on the shop or product pages.

Brand Position on Single Product Page: 

  • Hide on Single Product Page
  • After Product Title
  • After Product Price
  • After Product Excerpt
  • After Single Add to Cart
  • After Product Meta

Logo Size on Product Page: Set the size of the brand logo on the product page in px

Brand Position on Loop Product Page: 

  • Hide on Loop
  • After Product Title
  • After Product Price
  • After Product Image

Brand’s Content in Loop Page:

  • Both Name and Logo
  • Only Name
  • Only Logo

Logo Size on Loop Page: Set the size of the brand logo on the loop page in px

Default Logo: Checkmark to use the default logo when no logo is selected

Default Logo Image: Upload a custom image for the default logo

Pagination: Checkmark to enable pagination for grid view for all brands on the brand page

Brands Per Page: In case of pagination, set the number of brands to display per page

Creating Separate Sections for Brands in Menu Bar:

Select the menu section where you want to add the brand menu.

Brand Menu: Checkmark to show a separate section for brands in the menu bar

Using Short Codes to Place Featured Brands Slider:

Employ widgets to showcase brands through visually appealing brand sliders and implement advanced filtering options to create dedicated pages for refined search results. 

Short Codes List: Utilize brand sliders and advanced filtering for easy brand navigation

Brand page slider for featured brands:

[af_wpb_brands style=”slider”]

Brand page grid view for all brands:

[af_wpb_brands style=”table”]

Brand page alphabetical order:

[af_wpb_brands style=”alphabetical”]

Widget all brands by name:

[af_wpb_brands_widgets style=”title”] 

Widget slider for all brands set number of brands according to your need:

[af_wpb_brands_widgets style=”slider” number=”2″]