Setting Up WooCommerce Automatic User Roles Switcher 

Enabling Automatic User Roles Switcher

Viewing Existing Rules in a Log 

Go to WP Admin Panel > Automatic Role Changer > All Rules. Here, you can view a complete list of all automatic role changer rules created in a log. Choose to edit individual rules or perform bulk actions.

Adding A New Rule 

To add a new automatic user role switcher rule, click on the “Add New Rule” button and enter the following details:  

Add Title: Enter a descriptive title for your rule

Rule Settings:

Gain Role: Determine how the user’s role or roles will be changed when specific conditions are met. You have two options to choose from:

  • Enable this for switch to single user role: Select this if you want to change the user to a single role when the conditions are met
  • Enable this for assign multiple user roles: Choose this if you want to assign multiple roles to the user when the conditions are met 

When Will: Select the condition that will trigger the user role change. You have various options to choose from, including:

  • User Purchased a specific product
    • Choose Products: Define the specific product(s) that triggers the user role change
    • Products Matching: Specify the condition or criteria for when this role change should occur 
  • User purchased numbers of products from entire catalog
    • Number products: Specify the number of products from the entire catalog that a user must purchase to trigger the role change
  • Order subtotal falls within the following price range 
    • Select price range: Set the price range for order subtotals that should trigger the role change.
      • From: Specify the minimum subtotal amount
      • To: Specify the maximum subtotal amount
  • Customers total spend falls within the following price range
    • Select Price Range:  Set the price range for the customer’s total spend that should trigger the role change
      • From: Specify the minimum total spend
      • To: Specify the maximum total spend
  • User purchased products from specific categories or tags 
    • Select Taxonomy: Choose the taxonomy (category or tag)
      • Category: Specify the categories that, when purchased, trigger the role change
      • Tags: Specify the tags that, when purchased, trigger the role change
  • Switch User Role by Email Domain URL 
    • Domain URL: Define the email domain URL that triggers the role change

Set Date Range:

  • From: Specify the start date for the date range during which the user role change will be active
  • To: Specify the end date for the date range

Duration for the roles: Set the duration for user roles in days

Click “Publish” to save the rule settings

Configuring User Roles Switch General Settings 

In this section, you can customize the email notifications sent to users: 

Emails Text Editor: Edit email content sent to customers when their roles change (use placeholder {customer_switch_from_role} for the old role and {customer_switch_to_role} for a new role)

Click “Save Settings” to save the changes you have made 

Maintaining User Role Switch History 

This plugin also keeps a record of when the user roles are switched as well as the reason for that switch. 

To check, go to the WP Admin Panel, click on “Users,” then “All Users.” Select the user you’re interested in, and click “Edit.” In the “User Role Change History” section, you’ll find all the information related to role changes for that user.