Managing Product Subscriptions & Notifications
Accessing the Dashboard for Subscriptions
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Dashboard.
The dashboard gives a comprehensive overview of the following along with their top most subscribed products:
- Total Restocked Subscription
- Total Stock Subscriptions
- Total Stock Alert Sent
- Last Subscription On
- Last Alert Sent
- Total Price Subscription
- Total Price Subscriptions
- Total Price Alert Sent
- Last Subscription On
- Last Alert Sent
Enabling GDPR Consent
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > General.
GDPR Consent: Enable to display GDPR consent along with subscriptions
GDPR Consent Text: Customize text for GDPR consent
Configuring Notifications for Restock
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Restocked.
Restocked Settings:
- Restock Email Subscription: Enable this to display the restock email subscription
- Backorders Products: Enable this to allow subscriptions on products that are on backorder
- All User Roles: Enable this to show subscriptions to all user roles
- All Products: Enable this to show subscriptions to all products
- Minimum Stock Quantity: Set the minimum stock quantity required to trigger an email
- Subscription Title (Guest Users): Customize the title on the front end for restocked subscriptions (Guest users)
- Title Color: Select the color for the restocked subscription title (Guest users)
- Placeholder (Guest Users): Customize the placeholder on the front end for restocked subscriptions (Guest users)
- Button Text (Guest Users): Customize the subscription button text (Guest users)
- Button Background Color: Select the button background color (Guest users)
- Button Text Color: Select the button text color
- Subscribed Success Message: Customize the subscribe success message for registered and guest users
- Unsubscribe Message (Registered Users): Customize the unsubscribe message for registered users
- Subscription Fail Message (Guest Users): Customize subscription fail message for guest users
- Subscription Link (Registered Users): Customize the subscription link for registered users
- Unsubscribe Link (Registered Users): Customize the unsubscription link for registered users
- Subscription Link Color: Select color for the subscription link
Enabling Price Alert
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Price Alert.
Price Alert Settings:
- Price Alert Subscription: Enable this to display subscriptions when product prices change
- Out-of-Stock Products: Enable this to hide price alerts when a product is out of stock
- Price Increase Alert: Enable this to send an email when a product price increases
- Price Decrease Alert: Enable this to send an email when a product price decreases
- All User Roles: Enable this to show subscriptions to all user roles
- All Products: Enable this to show subscriptions on all products
- Subscription Price Alert Title (Guest Users): Customize the title on the front end for price alert subscription (Guest users)
- Title Color: Select the color for the price alert subscription title (Guest users)
- Placeholder (Guest Users): Customize the placeholder on the front end for price alert subscription (Guest users)
- Subscription Button (Guest Users): Customize button text for subscription (Guest users)
- Button Background Color: Select button background color
- Button Text Color: Select button text color
- Subscribe Success Message: Customize the subscribe success message for registered and guest users
- Unsubscribe Message (Registered Users): Customize the unsubscribe message for registered users
- Subscription Fail Message (Guest Users): Customize subscription fail message for guest users
- Subscription Link (Registered Users): Customize the subscription link for registered users
- Unsubscribe Link (Registered Users): Customize the unsubscription link for registered users
- Subscription Link Color: Select the color for the subscription link
Configuring Email Notifications
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Email.
Subscription Mails:
- Notify Admin on Stock Subscription: This message will be used in the mail sent to the admin when a user subscribes to back-in-stock.
- Notify Admin on Price Subscription: This message will be used in the mail sent to the admin when a user subscribes to a price alert.
- Notify Customer on Restock Subscription: This message will be used when a user subscribes to a back-in-stock alert.
- Notify Customer on Price Alert Subscription: This message will be used when a user subscribes to a price alert.
Custom Messages For Alerts:
- Send Alert to Customer when Product Price Increases: This message will be used when an email is sent to the customer on the price increase
- Send Alert to Customer when Product Price Drop: This message will be used when an email is sent to the customer on a price drop
- Send Alert to Customer when Product is Back in Stock: This message will be used when an email is sent to the customer on product restock
Maintaining the Email Logs
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Email Log.
The email notifications provided to customers for price alerts restocks, and more can be recorded. The logs include information such as:
- Subscribed By
- Product
- Alert Sent for
- Sent to
- Time
Managing Price-Alert Subscribers
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Price Grid.
See the list of subscribers in a grid view:
- Subscribed By
- Product
- Subscribed On
- Active
- Waiting Time
- Alert Status
Apply the filter to sort prices based on:
- Subscription Status (Subscribed or Unsubscribed)
- Products
Managing Restock Subscribers
Go to WP Admin Panel > Price and Stock Alert > Stock Grid.
The Stock Grid provides information on:
- Subscribed By
- Product
- Subscribed on
- Active
- Waiting Time
- Alert Status
Apply the filter to sort stocks based on:
- Subscription Status (Subscribed or Unsubscribed)
- Products