Creating and Managing Cart Discount Rules
Adding A New Cart Rule
If you wish to create a new cart rule, simply navigate to WooCommerce > Cart Discount Rules and click the ‘Add New Cart Rule‘ button at the top. On the ‘Add Cart Rule’ page, you’ll be able to configure the following settings
1. Title: Add a title for your cart rule
2. Message Settings
- Message for Before Discount Applied: Enter a message that informs users about the remaining discount requirements. You can use placeholders like {req_products}, {cart_qty}, {product_names}, {rem_qty}, {start_date}, {end_date}, and {min_spent_amount} to customize the message.
- Message for After Discount Applied: Add a congratulatory message which will appear when the discount is applied. Use placeholders like {cart_qty}, {product_names}, {rem_qty}, {start_date}, {end_date}, {gift_products}, {rec_discount}, and {min_spent_amount} to personalize the message.
3. Rule Settings
- Rule Priority: Choose how the rule should be prioritized
- Follow sequence
- Apply this rule must
- Days for discount: Select which days this rule should apply to
- All Days
- Specific Days
- Start Date of Rule: Set the start date for this cart rule
- End Date of Rule: Define the end date for this cart rule
4. Discount Settings
Discount Rule Type: Choose the type of discount rule
- Dynamic adjustment based on cart quantity
- Dynamic adjustment based on cart amount
- Gift a product based on quantity
- Gift a product based on amount
Restricting Rule to Specific Customers
Add a New Row
- Customers: Specify which customers should receive this discount
- Adjustment Type: Define the adjustment type:
- Fixed Increase
- Fixed Decrease
- Percentage Increase
- Percentage Decrease
- Value: Set the value of the adjustment
- Min Required: Specify the minimum requirement for the discount to apply
- Max Required: Define the maximum requirement for the discount to apply
Restricting Rule to Specific User Roles
Add a New Row
- User Roles: Select which user role should receive this discount
- All User Roles
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Subscriber
- Customer
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
- Adjustment Type: Define the adjustment type
- Fixed Increase
- Fixed Decrease
- Percentage Increase
- Percentage Decrease
- Value: Define the discount value
- Min Required: Set a minimum required condition
- Max Required: Set a maximum required condition
5. Discount Adjustments
Minimum Spent: Choose how the minimum amount spent by the user affects the discount
- Ignore amount spent by user
- Amount spent up till now
- Select the start and end date
- Minimum spent amount by user: Enter minimum amount spent by user to get discount
- Minimum spent amount start date: Select start date of minimum amount spent by user to get discount
- Minimum spend amount end date: Select end date of minimum amount spent by user to get discount
6. Rule Order
Set the order of the cart rule. You can use this to prioritize any rule if you have multiple cart rules
Order: Enter the order value
7. Select Product and Categories
Choose Product Selection Method: Choose how you want to select products for this cart rule
- All Products
- Specific Products (Choose specific products for the cart rule)
- Product Categories (Choose categories for the cart rule)
Click ‘Publish‘ to save your new cart rule
Managing Cart Discount Rules in a Grid View
Create multiple cart and product rules to enable dynamic pricing and discounts tailored for specific user roles and individual customers.
The Cart Discount Rules dashboard offers a comprehensive set of options and information to efficiently manage your cart-level discounts.
Title: The rule title
Date: The date when the rule was initially created and published
Start Date of Rule: Start date for when the rule was supposed to come into effect
End Date of Rule: The end date on which the rule will automatically deactivate
Rule Order: The sequence in which the rule is applied
Rule Priority: The rule priority
Additional functions that can be performed are:
- Perform bulk actions on multiple rules at once
- Edit
- Move to Trash
- Search for an existing rule in the search bar
- Filter the rules by the month and year
Configuring General Settings
General Settings:
You can customize the general settings for the cart and product rules in this section:
- Priority of Product Rules: Choose how product discount rules are prioritized. Gift Products will be added following the sequence of rules
- Follow the priority sequence
- Use rule with smaller price
- Use rule with the highest price
- Priority of Cart Rules: Choose how cart discount rules are prioritized
- Follow the priority sequence
- Use rule with smaller Discount/Fees
- Use rule with the highest Discount/Fees
- Apply all rules
- Price for Sale Price Products: Select the discount setting for sale price products
- Apply discount on sale price
- Apply discount on regular price
- Ignore discount
- Multi-Rules Selection: Choose a method when both cart and product rules apply
- Apply discount from both rules
- Apply discount only from the product rule
Click “Save Changes” to save the changes you have made
Table Settings:
- Location for tier tabe pricing: Choose where to display the pricing table on the product page
- Below price of product
- Above “Add to Cart ” button
- Below “Add to Cart ” button
- Layout of tier table pricing: Select the style for the pricing table shown on the product page
- Vertical table
- Horizontal table
Click “Save Changes” to apply the settings
Creating and Managing Product Pricing Rules
Adding A New Product Rule
Create several pricing rules that can swiftly and closely respond to market dynamics and customer behavior. Go to WooCommerce > Cart Discount Rules > Product Pricing Rules > Add New Product rule to create a new product pricing rule using the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.
1. Title: Add a title for your product rule
2. Discount Settings:
- Discount Rule Type: Select the discount rule type
- Dynamic Pricing Adjustment
- Gift a Product
- Show Pricing table: Mark this checkbox if you want to show the pricing table on the product page
Restricting Rule to Specific Customers
Add a New Row
- Choose Customer: Specify which customers should receive this discount
- Adjustment Type: Define the adjustment type:
- Fixed Price
- Fixed Increase
- Fixed Decrease
- Percentage Increase
- Percentage Decrease
- Value: Set the value of the adjustment
- Min Required: Specify the minimum requirement for the discount to apply
- Max Required: Define the maximum requirement for the discount to apply
- Replace Price: Enable to replace the price with discount
- X: Delete row
Restricting Rule to Specific User Roles
Add a New Row
- Choose User Role: Select which user role should receive this discount
- All User Roles
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Subscriber
- Customer
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
- Adjustment Type: Define the adjustment type:
- Fixed Price
- Fixed Increase
- Fixed Decrease
- Percentage Increase
- Percentage Decrease
- Value: Set the value of the adjustment
- Min Required: Specify the minimum requirement for the discount to apply
- Max Required: Define the maximum requirement for the discount to apply
- Replace Price: Enable to replace the price
- X: delete row
3. Discount Adjustments
- Minimum Spent: Configure the minimum spent settings. Choose how the minimum amount spent by the user affects the discount
- Ignore amount spent by
- Amount spent up til now
- Select start and end date
- Minimum spent amount by user: Enter minimum amount spent by user to get discount
- Minimum spent amount start date: Select start date of minimum amount spent by user to get discount
- Minimum spend amount end date: Select end date of minimum amount spent by user to get discount
4. Rule Settings
- Rule Priority: Choose how this rule should follow the sequence
- Follow sequence
- Apply this rule must
- Days for discount: Select which days this rule should apply to
- All Days
- Specific Days
- Start Date of Rule: Set the start date for this product rule
- End Date of Rule: Define the end date for this product rule
5. Select Product and Categories
Choose product selection method: Choose how you want to select products for this product pricing rule
- All Products
- Specific Products
- Choose Products: Choose specific products for the product rule
- Choose Product Categories: Choose categories for the product rule
6. Message Settings
- Message for Before Discount Applied: Enter a message informing users about the discount requirements. Use placeholders like {product_name}, {product_qty}, {rem_qty}, {discount}, {start_date}, {end_date}, {gift_product}, and {min_spent_amount} to customize the message.
- Message for After Discount Applied: Enter a congratulatory message for users when the discount is applied. Use placeholders like {product_name}, {req_qty}, {discount}, {start_date}, {end_date}, {gift_product}, and {min_spent_amount} to personalize the message.
6. Rule Order:
Set the order of the product rule. This is really helpful when you have multiple product rules
Order: Enter the order value
Click “Publish” to save the new product rule
Managing Product Pricing Rules in a Grid View
Go to WooCommerce > Cart Discount Rules and click on the Product Pricing Rules button to view and manage all your product pricing rules within a user-friendly grid interface.
This grid empowers you with vital information for effective rule management, displaying:
Title: The rule title
Date: The date when the rule was initially created and published
Start Date of Rule: Start date for when the rule was supposed to come into effect
End Date of Rule: The end date on which the rule will automatically deactivate
Rule Order: The sequence in which the rule is applied
Rule Priority: The rule priority
Additional functions that can be performed are:
- Perform bulk actions on multiple rules at once
- Edit
- Move to Trash
- Search for an existing rule in the search bar
- Filter the rules by the month and year