About Weight based Shipping for WooCommerce

Overview of WooCommerce Weight-Based Shipping Fee 

What does the plugin do 

WooCommerce Weight-Based Shipping Fee plugin allows you to create and manage dynamic shipping fee rules based on weight. Customize rules with conditions based on cart, user, country, and product attributes. Additionally, specify weight based shipping cost for products, categories, tags, and shipping classes. You can easily add and manage multiple shipping classes. 


WooCommerce Weight-Based Shipping Fee allows you to manage and create dynamic shipping rules based on the weight of the products in the cart. The complete features offered by the plugin are: 

  • Create dynamic shipping rules based on product weight 
  • Mark shipping fees as taxable or non-taxable
  • Disable the shipping method if the fee is zero
  • Choose fee type as once or per kg
  • Specify the minimum and maximum weight for each rule
  • Define the weight-based shipping cost for specific products, categories, tags, or shipping classes
  • Apply shipping rules to specific products, categories, tags, or shipping classes
  • Create multiple conditional limits for rules based on cart, user, country, and product details
  • Adjust shipping weight at the product level
  • Specify the order and title of weight-based shipping rules

Customization Options

The plugin allows you to:

  • Manage shipping fee rules in a log
  • Add multiple shipping classes