Setting Up WooCommerce Wholesale and Tiered Pricing 

Configuring Pricing & Discounts

Adjusting Wholesale Prices in Bulk

Go to WP Admin Panel > Wholesale Prices

Here, you can: 

  • Get a record of all the rules you create in a grid 
  • Edit and delete all wholesale price rules individually or in bulk 
  • Filter the rules by date

Creating a New Rule

To create a new pricing rule, click on “Add New Rule”. Provide the following details:

Add Title: Enter a title for your pricing rule

Rule Details: 

  • Rule Priority: Assign a number between 0 and 100. Lower numbers indicate higher priority. If multiple rules apply to the same item, the one with the highest priority will be used
  • Apply on All Products: Check this option if you want to apply the rule to all products. If left unchecked, specify products and categories
  • Select Products: Choose specific products to apply the rule to
  • Select Categories: Select categories for rule application

Wholesale Prices (By Customers):

  • Customer: Select the specific customer to whom the pricing rule applies
  • Adjustment Type: Choose from the following options:
    • Fixed Price
    • Fixed Increase
    • Fixed Decrease
    • Percentage Increase
    • Percentage Decrease
  • Value: Add value to the rule
  • Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the customer
  • Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the customer
  • Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected
  • Remove: Take action to remove the rule

Wholesale Prices (By User Roles):

  • User Role: Select the user role to apply the pricing rule
  • Adjustment Type: Choose from the following options:
    • Fixed Price
    • Fixed Increase
    • Fixed Decrease
    • Percentage Increase
    • Percentage Decrease
  • Value: Add value to the user role
  • Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the user role
  • Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the user role
  • Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected
  • Remove: Take action to remove the rule

Hiding the Price & Add to Cart Button

Go to WP Admin Panel > Wholesale Prices > Hide Price.

Enable Hide Price & Add to Cart: Choose to enable hiding price and the ‘Add to Cart’ button

Hide for Guest Users: Check this option to hide prices and the ‘Add to Cart’ button for guest users

Hide for Registered Users: Check this option to hide prices and the ‘Add to Cart’ button for registered users

Select User Roles: Choose specific user roles for which you want to hide prices and the ‘Add to Cart’ button on the frontend. If no user role is selected, prices and the ‘Add to Cart’ buttons will not be hidden for registered users

Hide Price: If checked, prices are hidden on the archive and product pages. Prices will not be hidden in the cart if you enable the “Add to Cart” button

Price Text: Specify the text to be displayed in place of the price on archive and product pages

Hide Add to Cart Button: If checked, the ‘Add to Cart’ button is hidden on the archive and product pages

Add to Cart Button Text: Specify the text to be shown in place of the ‘Add to Cart’ button

Add to Cart Button Link: Define a link to replace the ‘Add to Cart’ button link

Select Products: Choose specific products for which you want to hide prices and the ‘Add to Cart’ button

Select Categories: Select categories for which you want to hide prices and the ‘Add to Cart’ button

Managing Wholesale and Tiered Pricing

Go to WP Admin Panel > Wholesale Prices > Settings > General Settings.

General Settings: 

Enable Tiered Pricing Table: Choose to enable a tiered pricing table on the product page

Enforce Min & Max Quantity: Check the box to limit users to a minimum and maximum quantity to add to a cart

Min Qty Error Message: Add a custom message to display as an error message when a user adds a quantity less than a minimum quantity

Max Qty Error Message: Add a custom message to display as an error message when a user adds a quantity more than a maximum quantity

Update Cart Error Message: Add a custom error message to display when the user updates the product in the cart

Customizing Wholesale Prices Table 

Go to WP Admin Panel > Wholesale Prices > Settings > Style Settings.

Table Header Color: Enter either a HEX color value or color name

Table Odd Rows Color: Enter either a HEX color value or color name

Table Even Rows Color: Enter either a HEX color value or color name

Enable Table Border: Enable this if you want to use a table border as a separator

Table Header Font Size: Set the font size for table headers. By default, theme values will be inherited

Table Rows Font Size: Set the font size for table rows. By default, theme values will be inherited

Applying Discounts to Prices

Go to WP Admin Panel > Wholesale Prices > Settings > Price Settings.

Price Setting by User Role: Select a regular or sale price to apply role-based pricing

The user roles include:

  • Administrator
  • Editor 
  • Author
  • Contributor
  • Subscriber
  • Customer 
  • Shop Manager
  • Wholesale 
  • B2B
  • Retailer
  • Guest

Managing Wholesale Prices on a Product Level

Adjusting Wholesale Prices for User Roles

Go to WP Admin Panel > Products > Add New > Wholesale Prices (By User Roles). Enter the following details:

User Role: Select the user role to apply the pricing rule

Adjustment Type: Choose from the following options:

  • Fixed Price
  • Fixed Increase
  • Fixed Decrease
  • Percentage Increase
  • Percentage Decrease

Value: Add value to the user role

Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the user role

Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the user role

Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected

Remove: Take action to remove the rule

Click on “Add Rule” to apply the rule.

Adjusting Wholesale Prices for Specific Customers

Go to WP Admin Panel > Products > Add New > Wholesale Prices (By Customers). Enter the following details to adjust pricing for specific customers:

Customer: Select the specific customer to apply the pricing rule

Adjustment Type: Choose from the following options:

  • Fixed Price
  • Fixed Increase
  • Fixed Decrease
  • Percentage Increase
  • Percentage Decrease

Value: Add value to the rule

Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the customer

Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the customer

Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected

Remove: Take action to remove the rule

Click on “Add Rule” to apply the rule.