How to Display Desired Columns in the Table: Stock, Reference, ISBN, etc?

Displaying Desired Columns in the Table

Display desired columns in the product listing table in PrestaShop using the Products Table List View module. This includes columns such as stock levels, reference codes, ISBN numbers, and more.

For this, install and activate the PrestaShop Products Table List View module.

Next, go to the “General Settings” tab.

In the General Settings tab, you will find options to toggle various columns. Check the boxes for the columns you wish to display in the product listing table. The available options include:

Active Module: Check the box to activate the module.

Display Stock: Check the box to display the current stock levels.

Display Reference: Check the box to show product reference codes.

Display ISBN: Check the box to include ISBN numbers.

Display UPC: Check the box to show UPC codes.

Display EAN13: Check the box to display EAN13 barcodes.

Display CheckBox: Check the box to include checkboxes for bulk actions.

Display Quick View: Check the box to enable quick view for product details.

Display Supplier: Check the box to show supplier information.

Display Product Reviews: Check the box to display customer reviews.

Saving the Settings

Click on “Save” to apply the selected columns. This customization enhances the usability of the product catalog.