Enabling WooCommerce Cart and Order Restrictions
Creating A New Rule
To get started, you’ll need to create rules that define the behavior you want for your WooCommerce store.
1. Rule Setting
Rule Name: Enter a unique name for your rule
Select Type: Select the rule type. You can create six different rule types with this plugin:
- Product Quantity Base
- Category Quantity Base
- Total Order Amount Base
- Total Order Quantity Base
- Shipping Method
- Payment Method
a. Product Quantity Base:
Select Product: Specify which product(s) the rule will apply to
User Option
Select Role: Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all. You have nine user roles to choose from
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
Select User: Select specific users if needed; otherwise, apply the rule to all customers
Minimum quantity: Set the minimum product quantity value
Maximum quantity: Set the maximum product quantity value
Range Option
- None
- Comma Separated
- Steps
Reset Duration
Duration: Get last days(orders)
Note: The duration reset feature empowers you to extend the timeframe during which customers can make purchases. For instance, you can grant users an additional seven days to buy more of a product subject to restrictions.
Date Range
Start: Set a starting date for the rule
End: Set the ending date for the rule
Error Message: Customize the error message that will be displayed to customers when the rule conditions are not met.
Note: use placeholders like {products_name}, {products_max_quantity}, {products_min_quantity}, {range_option}, {use_limit}, and {remaining_limit} to personalize the error message
b. Category Quantity Base:
Select Category: Specify the category to which the rule will apply
User Option
Select Role: Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all. You have nine user roles to choose from
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
Select User: Select specific users if needed; otherwise, apply the rule to all customers
Minimum quantity: Enter minimum products quantity.
Maximum quantity: Enter maximum products quantity(apply with duration)
Range Option: Choose the range type
- None
- Comma Separated
- Steps
Reset Duration
Duration: Get last days (orders)
Date Range
Start: Specify the start date of the rule (Note: leave empty for no limit)
End: Specify the end date of the rule (Note: leave empty for no limit)
Error Message: Customize the error message to show to customers when rule conditions are not met
c. Total Order Amount Base
Select Role: Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all. You have nine user roles to choose from
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
Select User: Select specific users if needed; otherwise, leave empty to apply the rule to all customers
Amount Option
Sub Total: Choose subtotal of the items in the cart for order amount calculation
Total: Choose grand total of the cart order for order calculation
Minimum amount: Set the minimum order amount value
Maximum amount: Set the maximum order amount value
Reset Duration
Duration: set a time limit for the rule to apply
Date Range
Start: Specify the start date of the rule
End: Specify the end date of the rule
Error Message: Customize the error message for customers when rule conditions are not met
d. Total Order Quantity Base
User Option
Select Role: Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all. You have nine user roles to choose from
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
Select User: Select specific users if needed; otherwise, leave empty to apply the rule to all customers
Minimum quantity: Set the minimum order quantity value
Maximum quantity: Set the maximum order quantity values
Range Option: Choose the range type
- None
- Comma Separated
- Steps
Reset Duration
Duration: Set the time after which the rule will reset
Date Range
Start: Specify the start date of the rule
End: Specify the end date of the rule
Error Message: Customize the error message for customers when rule conditions are not met.
e. Shipping method
User Option
Select Role: Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all. You have nine user roles to choose from
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
Select User: Select specific users if needed; otherwise, apply the rule to all customers
Choose the Shipping method to which you want to enable this rule for
Flat Rate
Min sum: Minimum sum for flat-rate shipping
Max sum: Maximum sum for flat-rate shipping
Free Shipping
Min sum: Minimum sum for free shipping
Max sum: Maximum sum for free shipping
Local Pickup
Min sum: Minimum sum for local pickup
Max sum: Maximum sum for local pickup
Date Range
Start: Specify the start date for the rule (leave empty for no limit)
End: Specify the end date for the rule (leave empty for no limit)
Error Message: Customize the error message for customers when rule conditions are not met.
f. Payment Method
User Option
Select Role: Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all. You have nine user roles to choose from
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Shop Manager
- Wholesale
- B2B
- Retailer
- Guest
Select User: Select specific users if needed; otherwise, apply the rule to all customers
Amount Option: Select the type of payment amount calculation method
- Sub Total
- Total
Mark the Payment Methods to which you want to apply the rule to
Check payments
Min sum: Minimum sum for the selected payment method
Max sum: Maximum sum for the selected payment method
Direct bank transfer
Min sum: Minimum sum for the selected payment method
Max sum: Maximum sum for the selected payment method
Cash on delivery
Min sum: Minimum sum for the selected payment method
Max sum: Maximum sum for the selected payment method
Min sum: Minimum sum for the selected payment method
Max sum: Maximum sum for the selected payment method
Date Range
Start: Specify the start date for the rule (leave empty for no limit)
End: Specify the end date for the rule (leave empty for no limit)
Error Message: Customize the error message for customers when rule conditions are not met.
Rule Priority:
Order: Define the priority order for applying the rule
Click “Publish” to save the changes
WooCommerce Cart and Order Restrictions General Settings
In this section, configure general settings for your rules:
- Notification Setting: Enable this option to display all notifications at once on the Cart page.
- Show Notification on load (Cart page): When enabled, notifications will be displayed as soon as the Cart page loads.
Click “Save Changes” to apply the settings
Managing Cart and Order Restrictions Rules in A Grid
Navigate to WooCommerce > Order Restriction to get a list of rules you have made in the form of a grid.
The grid displays a list of all rules created. From here, you can add a new rule, perform bulk actions, and filter by dates. Additionally, you can search for a desired rule from the search rules bar. Three screen options you will see and access on this page are:
- Columns:
- Priority
- Publish
- Pagination
- Number of items per page
- View Mode:
- Compact View
- Extended View