How to Add Specific Wholesale Pricing for Customers and User Roles by WooCommerce Wholesale and Tiered Pricing?

Adding Specific Wholesale Pricing for Customers and User Roles

To add specific wholesale pricing for customers and user roles using the WooCommerce Wholesale and Tiered Pricing plugin, follow these steps:

Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.

Navigate to WP Admin Panel > Products > Add New.

Adjusting Wholesale Prices on a Product Level:

In the product editor, look for the “Wholesale Prices (By User Roles)” section. Enter the following details:

  • User Role: Select the user role to apply the pricing rule.
  • Adjustment Type: Choose from options like:
    • Fixed Price
    • Fixed Increase
    • Fixed Decrease
    • Percentage Increase
    • Percentage Decrease
  • Value: Add the value for the user role.
  • Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the user role.
  • Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the user role.
  • Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected.
  • Remove: Take action to remove the rule.

Click on “Add Rule” to apply the rule.

Adjusting Wholesale Prices for Specific Customers:

In the product editor, look for the “Wholesale Prices (By Customers)” section. Enter the following details to adjust pricing for specific customers:

  • Customer: Select the specific customer to apply the pricing rule.
  • Adjustment Type: Choose from options like:
    • Fixed Price
    • Fixed Increase
    • Fixed Decrease
    • Percentage Increase
    • Percentage Decrease
  • Value: Add the value for the rule.
  • Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the customer.
  • Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the customer.
  • Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected.
  • Remove: Take action to remove the rule.

Click on “Add Rule” to apply the rule.

By following these steps, you can set specific wholesale pricing rules for both user roles and individual customers on a product level. Make sure to save your changes, and the pricing adjustments will be applied accordingly.