How to Hide Price and Add to Cart Button for Every User?

Hiding the Price & Add to Cart Button for Every User

To hide the price and the “Add to Cart” button for every user on your WordPress site, follow these steps:

Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.

Navigate to the “Wholesale Prices” section.

Look for the “Hide Price” option and enable it.

Enable Hide Price & Add to Cart: Enable hide price and the ‘Add to Cart’ button

Hide for Guest Users: Decide whether you want to hide the price and the “Add to Cart” button for guest users

Hide for Registered Users: Decide whether you want to hide the price and the “Add to Cart” button for registered users

Select User Roles: Select specific user roles for which you want to hide prices and the “Add to Cart” button. If no user role is selected, prices and the “Add to Cart” buttons will not be hidden for registered users

Hide Price: Hide prices on the archive and product pages. Prices will not be hidden in the cart if you enable the “Add to Cart” button

Price Text: If you checked the “Hide Price” option, specify the text to be displayed in place of the price on archive and product pages

Hide Add to Cart Button: Hide ‘Add to Cart’ button on the archive and product pages

Add to Cart Button Text: Specify the text to be shown in place of the “Add to Cart” button

Add to Cart Button Link: Define a link to replace the “Add to Cart” button link

Select Products: Choose specific products for which you want to hide prices and the “Add to Cart” button

Select Categories: Select categories for which you want to hide prices and the “Add to Cart” button

Once you have configured the settings according to your preferences, save the changes.

Now, prices and the “Add to Cart” button should be hidden based on the options you selected. Make sure to test the changes by visiting your site as both a guest user and a registered user to ensure that the settings are applied correctly.