What’s New in Addify’s Prestashop Free Gift Module V1.3.0?

Prestashop Free Gift Module

The Prestashop Gifts Module allows you to offer free gifts to customers based on their orders.

Recently, the Addify Prestashop Free Gift Module version 1.3.0 was updated from the older version 1.2.0. The new features are intended to enhance store owners’ experience and make quick edits with a more visually appealing interface. 

In this article, we will explore the plugin’s new and improved features along with its old core features to give you a comprehensive overview. 

Prestashop Free Gift Module – New Features 

The User Interface of Addify’s Prestashop Free Gift Module has been improved to enhance usability. The features have been streamlined and aligned to make it easier for store owners to carry out free gift campaigns, improving store revenues. Below are some of the major improvements to look into:

1. Settings Displayed in a Single Box

In the images mentioned below, you can see that in the new version, 1.3.0, the options are displayed together in an intuitive list view on the top left. This allows for quick view and adjustments as needed.

In the older version, 1.2.0, the general settings and the rule settings were also placed together. Still, the wider boxes were not as intuitive and visually appealing as in the newer version. 


New Version


Old Version 

2. Improved Rule Settings

In the newer version, there are 2 separate sections for rules: Pre Defined Rules & Custom Rules. These 2 separate options were not present in the older version. The Predefined rules are applied to all customer groups, while the custom rules allow you to choose the customer group. 

Additionally, the older rule settings had all the options in one place, which appeared lengthy and confusing. The newer version has 3 sections within the rule settings: Basic Settings, Rule Type, and Gifts. 


New Version


New Version

3. Enhanced Rule Type Settings

In the newer version, there is a separate section for the rule type settings. Within the basic settings, you can choose the Automatic or Manual Gifting option. Then, within the Rule type section, you can further choose from: 

  • Buy 1, Get 1 Free
  • Buy 2, Get 1 Free
  • Buy 3, Get 1 Free

In the older version, admins had the option to choose either Automatic, Manual, or Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One), but the BOGO field did not have any further options. 


New Version


New Version


Old Version

4. More Options for “Buy Type” Setting

In the newer version, the Buy Type field has 4 options. Customers can either buy any product from a given list, choose a specific product or specific category, or buy from a specific supplier to receive a free gift. 

In the older version, customers had only 2 options: they could either buy all products or purchase any item from a specified list of products in order to receive a free gift. 


New Version


Older Version

5. Additional Promotions Section

The newer version has an extra Promotions section that allows you to market the free gifts feature better. The Promotions section allows you to offer free gifts on the purchase of selected products, categories, suppliers, or across your entire catalog. 

You can add a custom title for the promotions banner on your store and choose to enable/disable it as needed. 


Newer Version

Prestashop Gifts Module – Complete Features

The complete list of features of the Prestashop Gifts Module are mentioned below:

  • Rule creation to control when gifts are offered
  • Automatic & manual gifting feature
  • Adjustment of gift product quantity
  • Restriction on gifts based on customer groups, products & cart total 
  • Gift product option: customers can choose a single or multiple gift items 

1. Rule Creation for Automatic or Manual Gifting 

You can choose to add gift products to customer carts manually or automatically. You can also set restrictions on product gifting based on the product ordered, the cart total, and the customer group. 

In the case of automatic gifting, if you have specified a few items for gifting, the module will randomly choose the gift items to offer to the end customers. 

There is just one slight difference between automatic gifting and manual gifting —your customers can not pick the gift items in automatic gifting. On the other hand, if you enable manual gifting, you can allow customers to choose gift items from a list of options. 


2. Restricting Gifts Based on Customer Group

To reward your loyal customers, you can enable product gifting for specific customer groups. This will allow you to offer an exclusive experience to certain customers, helping you build brand loyalty and promote repeat purchases. 


3. Restricting Gifts Based on Products 

To encourage the purchase of specific items, you can offer free gifts if customers buy that specific product. When customers are offered free items, they are more likely to purchase a product, even if they are not willing to buy it in other cases. You can offer free gifts on the purchase of sale items, last-season items, or any other category you wish to remove from your inventory. 


4. Restricting Gifts Based on Cart Total 

To raise the average order value, you can offer free gifts if a customer buys a specific number of products. This way customers will receive free gifts while you will receive increased store revenue. You can explore the complete list of features of the Addify Free Gifts Module for PrestaShop here. 



So, that was a comprehensive review of the Addify Prestashop Free Gift Module. We explained its new features along with the old list of features. With the module, you can easily offer incentives to your customers in the form of free gifts. 
You can set restrictions on which customers can receive the gift items and in which cases. Visit the Addify store to explore more plugins to improve your online presence.


Kim Parsons

Kim Parsons is outreach specialist and technical writer at Addify. When it comes to writing his main areas of interest are web and ecommerce development. Apart from writing his interests include watching Netflix and playing baseball in his backyard.

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