About PrestaShop Priority Sorting for In-Stock Products

Overview of PrestaShop Priority Sorting for In-Stock Products

What does the module do

The PrestaShop Priority Sorting for In-Stock Products module enhances product listings by prioritizing in-stock products and allowing customers to view available items first. With customizable sorting rules based on customer groups, categories, manufacturers, and suppliers, you can customize the display to meet specific needs. Additionally, you can schedule these rules to apply priority sorting for in-stock products on specific promotions and seasonal discounts. The module makes it easy to manage product visibility across your store and boost conversions by highlighting available inventory first.


PrestaShop Priority Sorting for In-Stock Products module allows you to fully customize how in-stock products are displayed in the store. The detailed features of the module are:

  • Display in-stock products at the top of all product listings
  • Create multiple sorting rules with customizable conditions
  • Allow priority sorting rules to apply across all products in-store
  • Apply sorting rules to specific customer groups
  • Enable in-stock prioritization for specific categories
  • Set rules to prioritize products based on the manufacturer and supplier 
  • Apply rules across the entire store
  • Set start and end dates for sorting rules
  • Easy integration with PrestaShop’s sorting methods
  • Provides seamless multilingual and multistore operations

Customization Options

The module supports the following customization options: 

  • Set a numeric priority to determine the sequence of sorting rules
  • Manage sorting rules efficiently with bulk action options
  • Quickly enable or disable each rule from the log
  • Update or refine rule conditions anytime to match changing inventory or promotional needs
  • Specify a custom name for each rule.