How to Automatically Send Email Notifications to Customers Upon Product Restock?

Sending Email Notifications to Customers Upon Product Restock

To automatically send email notifications to customers upon product restock using the WooCommerce Back in Stock Notifier plugin, follow these steps:

In your WordPress Admin Panel, go to “Price and Stock Alert” and select “Email.”

Subscription Mails:

Notify Admin on Stock Subscription: Customize the message that will be sent to the admin when a user subscribes to a back-in-stock alert. This can include information like the product name and the user’s email address.

Notify Admin on Price Subscription: Customize the message that will be sent to the admin when a user subscribes to a price alert. Include relevant details such as the product name and the user’s email address.

Notify Customer on Restock Subscription: Customize the message that will be sent to the customer when they subscribe to a back-in-stock alert. Include information about the restocked product and any other relevant details.

Notify Customer on Price Alert Subscription: Customize the message that will be sent to the customer when they subscribe to a price alert. Include details about the product and any relevant pricing information.

Custom Messages For Alerts:

Send Alert to Customer when Product Price Increases: Customize the message that will be sent to the customer when there is an increase in the product price. Provide information about the product and the new price.

Send Alert to Customer when Product Price Drop: Customize the message that will be sent to the customer when there is a decrease in the product price. Include details about the product and the new price.

Send Alert to Customer When Product is Back in Stock: Customize the message that will be sent to the customer when the product is back in stock. Include information about the restocked product.

Save Changes:

After customizing the email notification settings, be sure to save the changes.

With these settings configured, the plugin will automatically send email notifications to customers when they subscribe to back-in-stock alerts or price alerts, and also when there are changes in product prices. The messages will be customized based on the settings you’ve entered, providing relevant information to both the customers and the admin.