Creating and Customizing Subscription Forms for Customers
To create and customize a subscription form for customers to receive stock alerts in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Back in Stock Notifier plugin, follow these steps:
Enable Price Alert:
In your WordPress Admin Panel, go to “Price and Stock Alert” and select “Price Alert.”
Configure Price Alert Settings:
- Enable “Price Alert Subscription” to display subscriptions when product prices change.
- Enable “Out-of-Stock Products” if you want to hide price alerts when a product is out of stock.
- Choose whether to enable “Price Increase Alert” and “Price Decrease Alert” based on your preferences.
- Enable “All User Roles” to show subscriptions to all user roles.
- Enable “All Products” to show subscriptions on all products.
Customize Subscription Form Appearance:
Customize the appearance of the subscription form for guest users using the following options:
- Subscription Price Alert Title (Guest Users): Customize the title on the front end for the price alert subscription for guest users.
- Title Color: Select the color for the price alert subscription title for guest users.
- Placeholder (Guest Users): Customize the placeholder on the front end for the price alert subscription for guest users.
- Subscription Button (Guest Users): Customize the button text for subscription for guest users.
- Button Background Color: Select the button background color.
- Button Text Color: Select the button text color.
- Subscribe Success Message: Customize the subscribe success message for both registered and guest users.
- Unsubscribe Message (Registered Users): Customize the unsubscribe message for registered users.
- Subscription Fail Message (Guest Users): Customize the subscription fail message for guest users.
- Subscription Link (Registered Users): Customize the subscription link for registered users.
- Unsubscribe Link (Registered Users): Customize the unsubscription link for registered users.
- Subscription Link Color: Select the color for the subscription link.
Save Changes:
After customizing the settings, make sure to save the changes.
Now, the subscription form for price alerts will be displayed on the product pages based on the configured settings. Customers can subscribe to receive notifications when product prices change or when products come back in stock.