How to See the Most-Subscribed Products and Restock-Subscribed User Details in WooCommerce?

Viewing the Most-Subscribed Products and Restock-Subscribed User Details

To see the most-subscribed products and restock-subscribed user details in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Back in Stock Notifier plugin, follow these steps:

Access the Dashboard for Subscriptions:

In your WordPress Admin Panel, go to “Price and Stock Alert” and select “Dashboard.”

View Subscription Overview: 

The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the following metrics along with details about their top most subscribed products:

  • Total Restocked Subscription: This shows the overall number of restock subscriptions.
  • Total Stock Subscriptions: The total number of stock subscriptions.
  • Total Stock Alert Sent: The total number of stock alerts sent.
  • Last Subscription On: The date of the last subscription.
  • Last Alert Sent: The date of the last stock alert.
  • Total Price Subscription: This displays the overall number of price subscriptions.
  • Total Price Subscriptions: The total number of price subscriptions.
  • Total Price Alert Sent: The total number of price alerts sent.
  • Last Subscription On: The date of the last price subscription.
  • Last Alert Sent: The date of the last price alert.

Review Top Most Subscribed Products:

The dashboard should also display details about the top most subscribed products, indicating which products have the highest number of subscriptions.

Analyze Data:

Use the information provided on the dashboard to analyze the popularity of products, the frequency of restocking subscriptions, and the effectiveness of price alerts.

The dashboard serves as a centralized location for monitoring key metrics related to subscriptions, alerts, and product popularity. It can be a valuable tool for understanding customer preferences, managing stock effectively, and optimizing your pricing strategy in WooCommerce.