How to Change Gift Registry Add to Gift Button?

Changing Gift Registry Add to Gift Button

To change the “Add to Gift” button in the WooCommerce Gift Registry plugin, follow these steps:

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Gift Registry Settings > Button Customization.

In this section, you can make the following customizations:

Select Type: Choose a type for the “Add to Cart” button or text. 

  • Show Button: Toggle this option to either show or hide the button. If you want the “Add to Gift” button to be visible, make sure this option is set to “Show.”
  • Show Link: Toggle this option to either show or hide the link. Depending on your preference, you can choose to display the button as a link.

Add to Registry Button Text: Enter the text that you want to appear on the “Add to Registry” button. This is the text that users will see and click on when they wish to add products to their gift registry. Change this text to “Add to Gift” or any other desired label.

After making your customizations, remember to save the changes.

By following these steps, you can customize the appearance and text of the “Add to Registry” button in the WooCommerce Gift Registry plugin to better suit your store’s needs.