About WooCommerce Invoice Payment Option 

Overview of WooCommerce Invoice Payment Option 

What does the plugin do 

Invoice Payment Option plugin for WooCommerce allows you to set up rules based on location, cart contents, and user roles, offering tailored payment options to your customers. It provides flexibility in invoice generation, enabling you to invoice specific products, categories, or tags. Additionally, you can fine-tune the payment process by customizing payment option labels and instructions to enhance the customer experience.


WooCommerce Invoice Payment Option customizes and streamlines the payment process at checkout by offering the following features: 

  • Access a log of all existing Invoice Payment rules
  • Define unique titles for each rule
  • Configure rule criteria based on geographic factors:
    • Countries
    • States
    • Cities
    • Zip Codes 
  • Set cart amount and quantity ranges for rule activation
  • Enable invoices for specific products, categories, and tags
  • Enable invoices for virtual products
  • Define user and role-based rules
  • Enable invoices for specific customers  and user roles
  • Enable or disable the Invoice Payment option
  • Add a description to display during the checkout process
  • Include instructions to be shown on the thank you page
  • Choose an order status that will be set after checkout:
    • Pending Payment
    • Processing
    • On Hold
    • Completed
    • Draft

Customization Options

The plugin supports the following customization options: 

  • Set a custom title for the payment option during checkout
  • Customize invoice based on shipping methods:
    • Flat Rate
    • Free Shipping
    • Local Pickup