Setting Up WooCommerce Invoice Payment Option 

Applying Multiple Invoice Payment Conditions

Viewing all Invoice Payment Rules in a Log

Go to WooCommerce > Invoice Payment

Here, you can view multiple rules for invoice payment. You can perform bulk actions, search for any specific rule in the search bar, and apply filters based on dates.

Setting Up a New Invoice Payment Rule

Go to WooCommerce > Invoice Payment > Add New.

In the “Add New Rule” section, provide the following information:

Add Title: Enter a unique title for the new rule.

Countries, States, Zip Codes, and Cities for Invoice:

  • Select Countries: Choose the countries for which this rule should apply. Leave it empty for all countries
  • Select States: Select specific states where this rule should be active. Leave it empty for all states
  • Select Cities: Choose specific cities for the rule. Leave it empty for all cities. Insert all cities separated by commas 
  • Select Zip Codes: Select specific zip codes or ranges of zip codes. Leave it empty for all zip codes. For ranges, use a hyphen (-) notation (e.g., 45000-46000)

Cart Amount and Products for Invoice:

  • Cart Amount Range: Set upper and lower cart range. The payment invoice method will show/hide based on the cart subtotal
  • Cart Quantity Range: Set upper and lower cart quantity. The payment invoice method will show/hide based on the number of items in the cart

Enable Invoice for Products, Categories & Tags:

  • All Products: Enable invoice when all selected products are in the cart, and no other products are present
  • At Least One Product: Enable invoice when at least one of the selected products is in the cart. Other products can be in the cart as well
  • Choose Products: Enable invoice when specific products are in the cart
  • Choose Categories: Enable invoice when the cart contains products from specific categories
  • Choose Tags: Enable invoice when the cart contains products with specific tags
  • Enable Invoice For Virtual Product: Use this option to enable the invoice for virtual products. At least one virtual product should be in the cart

Users and Roles for Invoice: 

Enable Invoice for Customers: Search and select customers for whom this rule should apply. Leave empty for all customers

Enable Invoice for User Roles: Select specific user roles for which this rule should be active. Leave empty for all user roles

Invoice Based on Shipping:

  • Select Shipping Methods: Show the invoice based on specific shipping methods. Leave empty for all methods. Options include:
    • Flat Rate
    • Free Shipping
    • Local Pickup

Customizing the Payment Option Label

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. Locate “Invoice Payments” and click to begin editing.

  • Enable/Disable: Enable or disable the Invoice Payment option
  • Title: Define the title that will be displayed during checkout
  • Description: Add a payment method description to be displayed during checkout
  • Instructions: Add instructions that will be shown on the thank you page
  • Choose an Order Status: Select the order status that will be set after checkout. Options include:
    • Pending Payment
    • Processing
    • On hold
    • Completed
    • Draft

Make the desired changes and save your settings