Adjusting User-Specific Tax Rates
WooCommerce Role-Based Tax allows you to customize tax rates for different user roles, providing a more tailored experience for customers based on their roles on your website.
Follow the steps below:
- Log in to the WordPress Admin Panel.
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Role-Based Tax.
- Under the “Tax Rates” section, you will find options to edit tax rates for different types like Standard Rate, Reduced Rate, and Zero Rate.
- Click on the “Edit Role Based Tax” option to set tax rates for user roles. This will allow you to customize taxes based on user roles.
- For each user role, follow these steps:
- Enabled User Role: Choose a specific user role (e.g., Customer, Wholesale Buyer, etc.) that you want to apply the role-based tax to.
- Tax Name: Enter a custom name for the tax rate. This can help you identify the purpose of the tax rate.
- Tax Rate: Enter the tax rate percentage to up to 4 decimal places. This is the rate at which the tax will be applied to the user’s purchase.
- Compound: Choose whether the tax rate is compound or not. Compound tax is calculated on the total price, including the tax itself.
- Shipping: Decide whether the tax rate should be applied to shipping costs as well. Choose either “Yes” or “No” based on your requirements.
- After filling in the details for the user role’s tax rate, click the “Save Changes” button to apply the changes.
(Note: You can set the default values for Compound and Shipping if needed)