Ways to Manage Country-Based Restrictions on Your Shopify Store

Country Based Restriction

If you are running an online store then managing the country restriction in the store is counted to be the most essential part. It helps you perform smooth operations and compliance with several regulations. In this article, we will let you know about the five easiest ways to manage the country-based restriction on your Shopify store. From restricting product availability to modifying shipping options, these ways will help you personalize the website for distinct countries, making sure it works smoothly and satisfies the customers.

What Is Shopify Country Restriction?

The Shopify Country restriction allows you to manage the display of products in different countries. It provides the facility to choose the selection type based on the store’s needs with multiple personalized features, such as restricting price, concealing add-to-cart, integrating URLs, and replacing price with text. Using Shopify product availability by country, extension you can create multiple rules for distinct countries, products, and categories that help to enhance your store’s presentation among customers.

Why Do We Need to Conceal Countries On The Store?

As we all know, the e-commerce business is growing faster with each passing day, and there are various businesses facing challenges regarding different regulations or country currencies. By meeting the country restrictions on your store, you can easily follow the local rules and manage the shipping options. This will help you create satisfaction among customers and build a better experience for people in certain areas. Whether it’s due to legal requirements or a strategic decision to focus on specific regions, restricting content by country can optimize your store’s operations and customer satisfaction.

Restricting content by country can make your store run more smoothly and keep customers satisfied, whether to meet legal requirements or to focus on certain regions.

A Complete Guide To Manage Country-Based Restrictions on Your Shopify Store 

Managing Country-Based Restrictions on your Shopify store is quite simple. Just found a suitable app from the Shopify App Store. In this article, we will guide you on how you can manage country-based restrictions by using the Shopify Country Restriction App by Addify.  

Manage Country Based Restriction By Using Shopify App

By using the Shopify block countries App, you can easily set up the country limitations on the store. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, it helps you by offering easy custom ways to manage it in your store and helps you conceal desired countries. It is one of the most efficient ways to manage the store without needing any coding method. If you are not a technical person who knows coding, then you can install and use this Shopify app. It works the same as if you go for a coding method. 

This Shopify block countries extension is built to simplify the process of limiting the view access of countries for specific content on your store. This might include content, products, or the whole collection. Do try this method if you are running an online store, as it is one of the best options for store owners of all levels. 

What Does the Shopify Country Restriction App Offer?

The App basically simplifies the process of entering and applying the restriction based on several countries in the store according to store owner preferences. You can efficiently set up country restrictions on content products, all or specific collections, etc. The app offers you legal compliance regulations and helps you boost the customer experience by customizing the options. You can secure your store from fraudulent activities by restricting access to high-risk countries you might think can affect your store. 

Key Features Shopify Country Restriction App

The plugin offers the five easiest key features to manage the Country-Based Restrictions on your Shopify Store: 

  • Set Rule Title, Data, Status & Priority
  • Configure Multiple Restriction Rules With Customization
  • Restrict Prices and Cart Button 
  • Manage Entire Products Restriction Settings
  • Customize Listing Page Appearance

Now, let’s look at the App for further details to manage Country Restriction on your Shopify Store. 

Set Rule Title, Data, Status & Priority

The rule title and priority can be set using Shopify country restrictions. In the setting, you can specify the start and end dates of the rule. Additionally, the App allows you to create and manage the rule’s status with customized options; once you have created the rule, mark the status as active or draft.

Configure Multiple Restriction Rules With Customization

The app allows you to create multiple new rules on the store. Once you have created the rules, you can easily implement the rules in the country you have selected. You can conceal all or specific products and categories from certain countries.  Using this app can easily conceal the prices cart feature on your store or can go for hiding the entire menu for specific countries according to your preferences. You can easily customize the listing page appearance from the predictions on the store by using the shopify block countries extension. These custom features help you to boost the customer experience and help you increase sales. 

Restrict Prices and Cart Button 

While creating the new rules, the Shopify block countries extension offers the option of restriction type where you can hide the price and cart. The app allows you to hide prices while offering you to replace them with custom text or nothing. You can also keep the add-to-cart value on the store or can replace it with the custom button with a URL or nothing to your requirement. Additionally, insert a custom text while replacing the add-to-cart button. 

Manage Entire Products Restriction Settings

You can choose the restriction type, like hide select products or entire products, based on your own preferences. You can choose to Shopify different products for different countries. Once you have selected to hide the entire products, both direct links, you can demonstrate a custom error message of your choice on the site, and the app helps you redirect to another inserted URL.

Customize Listing Page Appearance

Shopify restrict products by country and allows you to easily manage the product visibility on your store listing page simply by choosing the action, such as: 

  • Keep Visible
  • Remove products
  • Blur product block
  • Replace the product image with a custom image

You can efficiently enable the price with custom text. In addition, the cart can be replaced with custom text or a button for select products only. 


By integrating country-based restrictions, you can effectively manage your global reach while maintaining compliance, security, and customer satisfaction. Whether you choose to code manually or use a solution like the Shopify App, these tools will help you streamline your store operations across different regions.


David Walker

I am an experienced content writer specializing in e-commerce and AI. I focus on crafting insightful articles and providing guidance to help individuals excel in affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and Web Development

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