What’s New in Addify’s PrestaShop B2B Registration with User group & VAT Siret module V1.4.0?

Addify's Prestashop B2B Form Builder Module

Now, with more features, the B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret module makes it super easy to create and edit forms, saving you time and effort. 

It allows you to create separate registration forms for B2B customers faster and control which users are approved and which are not. 

The name has been changed from the B2B Forms Builder to the B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret module, indicating the array of new features that the module comes with. Explore the new features of the 1.4.0 version and a comparison with the older version, 1.3.0, below. 

B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret – New Features

Below is a list of the key features that have been added to the PrestaShop B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret module V1.4.0:

  • Intuitive Layout 
  • New VAT & Siret Validation
  • Separate Sections for Default & New Forms
  • Multiple Field Options 

Intuitive Layout 

The new version of the PrestaShop B2B Registration with User group & VAT Siret module has a simpler layout with all the settings in one place. 

Having all the options in one place saves time, allows for quick edits, and minimizes the chances of overlooking any key option. 

In the old version, 1.3.0, the customer management and form creation settings were on different pages. 

New Version


Old Layout 


New VAT & Siret Validation

In the newer version, you will see the VAT and Siret Validation options, while in the older versions, there is a single VIES validation option. 

With these new features, you can better comply with tax regulations and easily validate VAT, and Siret data entered in forms. 

New Version


Older Version


Separate Sections for Default and New Forms  

In the newer version, you will find two separate options to help you quickly create registration forms. You can use the default forms and add desired fields to the form or create new forms using the form builder. 

In the older version, there was only a Form Builder option, allowing you to create new forms and add new fields. 

Newer Version 


Older Version


Multiple Field Options 

In the newer version, you will see more field options, including Default Form Fields, B2B Fields, and Custom Fields. These options allow you to easily customize the form and add the fields most relevant to each form. 

In the older version, you could only add new custom fields, which took more time to create and add to forms. 

Newer Version


Older Version\


Explore More New Features of the B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret

B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret – Complete Features

The complete list of features of the PrestaShop B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret module are mentioned below:

  1. Create multiple registration forms 
  2. Display Forms to Specific Customer Groups
  3. Auto Assign Relevant Customer Groups
  4. Allow Auto or manual Approval
  5. Automatically Verify Siret and VAT 

We will now discuss each of the above features of the B2B Registration module, one by one. 

1. Create Multiple Registration Forms 

You can create multiple forms to cater to your unique B2B audience. Forms help collect user information, but generic forms don’t allow you to collect key information from different customer groups. 

Using the B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret module, you can showcase different forms for your B2B  customers and add as many different fields as you like. 


2. Display Forms to Specific Customer Groups

You can limit form visibility to specific customer groups, allowing you to showcase the right forms to the right customers. 


3. Auto Assign Relevant Customer Groups

Once a customer fills out a registration form, you can auto-assign them to relevant customer groups upon approval. This helps in categorizing your audience. 

4. Allow Auto or Manual Approval

You can choose to either manually approve/disapprove each registration request or apply auto-approvals. With manual approvals, you gain more control over who can access your site, while with auto approvals, you can save time. 


5. Automatically Verify Siret and VAT 

The B2B Registration with User Group & VAT Siret module allows you to easily verify the accuracy of the Siret and VAT numbers, reducing the chances of errors. This allows you to maintain compliance with relevant regulations and minimize risks. 


So that was a complete overview of the B2B Registration with User group & VAT Siret module for PrestaShop. We have compared Version 1.4.0 with the older Version 1.3.0 and listed key improvements from the older version. 

We hope the new features will help you better manage B2B customers and easily create new forms and approve users as you like. For more helpful blogs on ecommerce websites, extensions, and tools, visit Addify


Kim Parsons

Kim Parsons is outreach specialist and technical writer at Addify. When it comes to writing his main areas of interest are web and ecommerce development. Apart from writing his interests include watching Netflix and playing baseball in his backyard.

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