Configuring User Roles settings
Allowing User Roles on Registration
To get started, enable the extension at the backend.
Enabled: Choose “Yes” to enable the extension
Required Field: Choose from a “Yes” or “No” option to make the field required or optional
Title: Provide the suitable title for customer group selection on the front end
Choosing Customer Groups to be Displayed on Front End
The merchants have the option to display only selected user groups during registration. The customer will be able to choose only from the available user groups.
Customer Group: Select customer groups to be displayed in the dropdown:
- All Groups
- Wholesale
- Retailer
Approving Auto or Manual User Group Allocation
The merchants can enable auto or manual approval required to assign customer
group to any user.
Manual Approval:
The manual approval feature requires the merchant to manually approve customer registration for specific user groups. After registering, customers will receive an email informing them that their selected user group requires manual approval from the store administrator. In the meantime, customers will be assigned to the default user group. Once the merchant approves the user group, a notification email will be sent to the customer confirming their assignment to the selected user group.
Auto Approval:
The selected user group will be automatically assigned to the customer, granting them access to all the associated benefits and privileges.
Enabling Selective Manual Approval
Merchants can enable manual approval on specific user groups to review customers before they can enjoy benefits and keep the rest on auto approval.
Auto Approve Groups: Choose from the following:
- Select Groups
- Wholesale
- Retailer
Approving Customer Group Requests in Bulk
Navigate to Customers. Here, you will see user group information as a grid. The grid displays the requested user group and if the requested group has been accepted or not.
Merchants can take action to approve customer group requests from the “All Customers” section. You can also perform bulk actions by selecting customer groups.
Run this command to enable User Group Options on Customer Grid
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
Sending Email Notifications to Admin & Customer
The customer will receive an email notification if manual approval is enabled, informing them that their chosen user group requires manual verification. After the approval process, another email will be sent to notify the customer that their selected user group has been successfully validated by the customer.