How to Apply Product Quantity Based Checkout Restrictions in WooCommerce?

Applying Product Quantity Based Checkout Restrictions in WooCommerce

Implementing product quantity-based checkout restrictions can offer several benefits for both e-commerce businesses and their customers. Follow these steps to apply these restrictions in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Cart and Order Restrictions plugin: 

  • Go to WooCommerce > Order Restriction and create a new rule.
  • Select “Product Quantity Base” as the rule type.
  • Specify the product(s) to which the rule will apply.
  • Choose the user role(s) to which the rule will apply or leave it empty to apply to all.
  • Set the minimum and maximum product quantity values.
  • Configure reset duration and date range options if needed.
  • Customize the error message for customers 
  • Define the rule priority.
  • Click “Publish” to save the changes.