Applying Shipping and Payment Method Based Checkout Restrictions in WooCommerce
With WooCommerce Order and Cart Restriction, you can create a wide range of rules to restrict orders and cart contents based on various criteria.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to implement shipping method-based checkout restrictions and payment method-based checkout restrictions using this plugin:
Shipping Method-Based Checkout Restrictions:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Order Restriction and create a new rule.
- Select the “Shipping Method” rule type.
- Choose user roles and specific users (optional).
- Choose the shipping method to enable the rule for (e.g., Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Local Pickup).
- Set minimum and maximum sums for the selected shipping method.
- Configure duration, date range, and error messages as needed.
- Set the rule priority.
- Publish the rule.
Payment Method-Based Checkout Restrictions:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Order Restriction and create a new rule.
- Select the “Payment Method” rule type.
- Choose user roles and specific users (optional).
- Select the payment amount calculation method (Sub Total or Total).
- Mark the payment methods to apply the rule to (e.g., Check payments, Direct bank transfer, Cash on delivery, Paypal).
- Set minimum and maximum sums for the selected payment method(s).
- Configure duration, date range, and error messages as needed.
- Set the rule priority.
- Publish the rule.