How to Apply Shipping and Payment Method Based Checkout Restrictions in WooCommerce?

Applying Shipping and Payment Method Based Checkout Restrictions in WooCommerce

With WooCommerce Order and Cart Restriction, you can create a wide range of rules to restrict orders and cart contents based on various criteria. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to implement shipping method-based checkout restrictions and payment method-based checkout restrictions using this plugin:

Shipping Method-Based Checkout Restrictions:

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Order Restriction and create a new rule.
  • Select the “Shipping Method” rule type.
  • Choose user roles and specific users (optional).
  • Choose the shipping method to enable the rule for (e.g., Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Local Pickup).
  • Set minimum and maximum sums for the selected shipping method.
  • Configure duration, date range, and error messages as needed.
  • Set the rule priority.
  • Publish the rule.

Payment Method-Based Checkout Restrictions:

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Order Restriction and create a new rule.
  • Select the “Payment Method” rule type.
  • Choose user roles and specific users (optional).
  • Select the payment amount calculation method (Sub Total or Total).
  • Mark the payment methods to apply the rule to (e.g., Check payments, Direct bank transfer, Cash on delivery, Paypal).
  • Set minimum and maximum sums for the selected payment method(s).
  • Configure duration, date range, and error messages as needed.
  • Set the rule priority.
  • Publish the rule.