Are you looking for a quick method to add weight based shipping feature to your WooCommerce store? Well, we have listed a step-by-step guide that can help you create multiple shipping rates and display them for your customers. By adding prices to ship by weight you can provide your customers an accurate shipping cost and control the whole checkout process easily.
This method is not only for customers to make them pay shipping costs fairly but can also help you manage every order effectively. If your store has products that are sold
per kilogram/meter or feet, then using this feature allows you to calculate accurate shipping charges and provide a transparent pricing structure for your customers. So, make sure you read this article till the end to learn the complete setup and optimize your shipping strategy with WooCommerce weight-based pricing feature.
What is WooCommerce Shipping by Weight?
Shipping by weight in WooCommerce is a method of providing cost based on product’s weight, and it helps shop managers to display shipping charges accurately. Moreover, it adds a clear fee for customers, and they do not have to see a surprising additional cost at checkout.
How Does It Work?
It simply works by providing shipping rates based on a predefined weight range, which is set for multiple products and categories. You can simply display calculated shipping rates on customer’s cart and help them view every detail clearly.
Is Adding Weight-Based Shipping the Right Choice for Your Store?
Here are some advantages that highlight why adding prices based on product’s weight is necessary for any WooComemrce store:
- Fair Shipping Cost for Customers
By displaying prices based on product’s weight, you can easily offer fair pricing for customers and align pricing structure of your store.
- Easy Management of Bulk Orders
Instead of manually updating costs for bulk orders, you can use weight-based shipping, which automatically adds prices based on the product’s weight.
- Reduces Cart Abandonment
Customers usually abandon their carts when shipping charges are suddenly added, so you can use weight-based shipping to provide them with clear price details.
- Transparency at Checkout
WooCommerce shipping by weight provides transparency by clearly displaying shipping charges during the checkout process.
Quick Guide to Add Weight-Based Shipping on Your Stores
In order to set up weight based shipping feature on your WooCommerce store, you have to use a reliable and advanced plugin that can provide this functionality with customizations that can help you modify its impact.
Here, we are using Addify’s Weight-based shipping for WooCommerce extension as an example to understand the process effectively. Let’s have a quick view of what the plugin does and what are its key features.
About the Plugin: Addify Weight-Based Shipping for WooCommerce
This plugin allows you to add weight-based shipping for woocommerce based on multiple conditions. You can easily apply it on any desired product, tag or shipping class and display it for users. You can also restrict these shipping charges based on user roles and product’s multiple dimensions. Once the customer has added product to the cart, they can easily view shipping rates on multiple pages of your store.

Key Features
- Add multiple weight based shipping conditions and fees
- Display shipping charges on order, cart, and checkout pages
- Apply rates for desired products, tags, categories, and shipping class
- Set shipping fee per kg or charge it on whole order
- Apply logical conditions based on users, cart, and product dimensions
Setting Up the Plugin
Once you have purchased this plugin, go to your Wp Admin Panel > Plugins and activate the extension. Once activated, navigate to WooCommerce and click on Shipping By Weight. Here, you can manage unlimited weight based shipping conditions. To create a new rule, follow these steps:
- Click on Add Rule
- Add a title to differentiate each rule
- Apply Shipping Settings:
- Now, here, you can specify the rule with any label, such as shipping method-1 etc.
- Taxable: Either make the fee taxable or leave it as it is
- Set Shipping Pricing:
- Product Type: From the dropdown, you have to specify the product type, whether it is a simple product, category, tag r, shipping class
- Add Product: Now add the product’s name
- Min Weight: Now, for each selected product, specify its minimum weight range
- Max Weight: Similarly, to apply weight-based charges, add minimum weight of the product
- Fee Type: Decide its fee type, which can be fixed or per kg.
- Decide Additional weight-based charges: Once you have added the simple fee then, you have to add additional weight-based charges
- Apply Additional Conditions:
- Cart Based: You can apply cart based condition that depends on its quantity, weight, tax, and more
- User Based: Add any specific user role and make them included or excluded to apply weight-based prices for them
- Product Based: Add conditions based on product’s width, length, weight, and more.
Once you are done adding every detail, click on Save, and you have successfully added weight based shipping prices on selected products. For each rule, you can create additional conditions and make it applicable only to those specific scenarios.
Tips to Maximize the Impact of This Feature
Here are some useful tips to utilize price by weight feature in multiple ways on your WooCommerce store:
- Discounts for Wholesale Buyers
You can easily apply weight based charges only for wholesale buyers and add an extra condition to provide them a discount over a certain product weight.
- Special Rates for VIP members
You can assign special or discounted rates only for paid members, while other users can pay regular weight-based pricing.
- Flat Shipping Rates
Charge a flat rate under a specific weight range, while if it exceeds, add an additional weight-based price for customers.
- Encourage Bulk Purchases
By giving customers exclusive discounts on certain weight ranges, you can persuade them to buy more products in bulk.
By following this guide you can easily create shipping by weight feature on your stores. There are numerous plugins out there that can help you install this functionality effectively. By any chance, if you are using above mentioned plugin, then it can help you create weight based shipping prices depending on user roles and logical conditions. However, the results remain the same: offering your customers fair shipping rates can help you optimize your shipping strategy in so many ways.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is weight based shipping in WooCommerce?
Ans. Weight-based shipping is a method that calculates shipping charges based on product’s weight and displays it on multiple pages of your store.
Q2. Can I apply weight-based shipping only to specific products and categories?
Ans. Yes, by using Addify’s weight-based for WooCommerce extension, you can add weight-based pricing only to specific products and restrict it to certain user roles.
Q3. What are the benefits of using WooCommerce weight-based pricing?
Ans. Prices calculated on product’s weight can reduce cart abandonment and allow shop managers to create flexibility in the pricing structure.