Setting Up the Invoice Payment Gateway for Buy Now, Pay Later in Prestashop | Step-by-Step

Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later

If you own a PrestaShop store and want to offer your customers an invoice payment option, this guide is for you. In this article, we will cover the steps to add the feature to your store and ways to customize the functionality according to your needs. 

By the end, you will be able to integrate the feature on your own without any technical or coding knowledge. But first, let’s try to understand what the method is all about and why you need it. 

What is the Invoice Payment Method, and Why Do You Need it?

The Invoice Payment Gateway enables you to display the Pay by Invoice payment option on the checkout page to let customers buy products and pay later. The payment option provides customers the convenience of deferred payments, boosting sales and customer loyalty, especially for B2B customers. 

The feature facilitates customers in placing big orders and receiving invoices to pay later via cheque or online transfer. Instead of having to pay at checkout, you can facilitate users’ payment by issuing invoices. 

How to Setup the Invoice Payment Method – 5 Steps

The method can be integrated into your store by adding a custom code or by using a module. If you dont have a coding background, using a module is a wiser choice. For the sake of explanation, we will be covering the Invoice Payment Gateway – Buy Now & Pay Later Module in this article. Follow the steps below to start setting up the module on your store. 

1. Install & Activate Invoice Payment Module 

The first step is to install and set up the plugin so it integrates properly with your store. Follow the steps to get started: 

Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later
  • Go to the backend settings of your site and choose Modules > Modules Manager 
  • Click Upload Module and upload the plugin file
Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later
  • Select Configure, and you are done
Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later

The plugin is now active on your website, and you can adjust its various features to offer invoice payment option to your customers.After activation, go to General Settings and enable the module to make it work on your store. From the General Settings, you can choose the invoice message, the order status, the reminder, and the completed order status. You can also adjust the number of days after which payment delay messages will be sent to the customer.

Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later

2. Restrict Feature for Specific Users, Locations, Products 

From the Rules settings, you can create multiple rules to control when the invoice payment option is shown to users. You can choose the customer groups, countries, products, and shipping methods for each rule. This flexibility ensures that the option is offered only when it makes sense for your business. Additionally, you can save multiple rules in an intuitive log to easily view, edit, and delete rules as needed.

Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later

3. Limit Invoice Payment By Cart Amount, Quantity, & Payment Details 

Based on the customer’s cart, you can choose to offer them the Invoice payment option if certain criteria are fulfilled. You can insert the cart quantity and cart amount for which the invoice payment method will be valid. The module will automatically check these values to decide whether to show the invoice payment gateway or not.

You can also set the payment due days and the minimum paid orders (number of paid orders required to show the invoice method). Furthermore, you can adjust the maximum unpaid orders (number of unpaid orders required to hide the invoice payment method). These settings will ensure reminders are triggered properly for timely payments.

Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later

4. View Detailed Invoice Payment History

Now, go to the Invoice Payment’s Order List to see the complete list of orders where the invoice gateway was applied. You can see the paid orders, orders for which reminders have been set, and the last order update information. With a record, it is easy to keep track and take the necessary steps.

Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later

5. Enable Cronjob

Go to the Cronjob option from module settings and copy the link provided. The link for the cron job will help you automatically send reminder emails for order payment. The Cron Job ensures that customers receive timely email reminders about upcoming invoice payments, reducing the likelihood of overdue payments and minimizing the need for manual follow-ups.

Prestashop Invoice Payment Gateway - Buy Now & Pay Later


In this article, we have learned how to set up the invoice payment option for a website. We started with the installation step and then moved to rule creation, setting limitations, and using Cron Job. Through the above guide, we hope you are able to quickly get started with invoice payments. For more content on ecommerce, web development tools, and best practices, visit Addify.


Kim Parsons

Kim Parsons is outreach specialist and technical writer at Addify. When it comes to writing his main areas of interest are web and ecommerce development. Apart from writing his interests include watching Netflix and playing baseball in his backyard.

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