Enabling Tax Exempt
Here you will have access to the following configurations,
General Settings
General settings allows you to,
- Activate/Deactivate module
- Select single or multiple category(s) on which you want to apply tax exempt
Tax Exempt Settings
Here you can specify customers and groups who are tax exempted. These customers do not need to provide any documentation. The tax will be automatically removed from checkout.
Tax Exempt Form Settings
In this section, you can customize the tax exemption form displayed in my account page. You can select the customer groups and the form will only be displayed to these selected customer groups. As soon as the form is submitted the admin can review and approve the tax exemption.
Tax Exempt Message on Checkout
You can also display a customizable message to notify customers that tax exemption is available, they can
submit info and claim exemption. This message will only appear for customer groups that you have selected in previous step2.
Manage Tax Exempt Requests
Once the user submit the tax info, an automatic email is sent to the admin to review and approve/disapprove the request. To view all requests you can navigation to “Manage Tax Exempt Requests” from back office.