How to Add Different Prices for Different User Roles Using B2B for WooCommerce?

Adding Different Prices for Different User Roles

To add different prices for different user roles using B2B for WooCommerce, you can follow these steps:

Log in to your WordPress admin panel.

Navigate to Products and click on “Add New” to create or edit a product.

Scroll down to the section called “Role Based Pricing (By User Roles)” and fill in the following options:

User Role: Select the user role for which you want to apply the pricing rule. You can choose from roles such as “Wholesaler,” “Retailer,” or any other custom user roles you have set up.

Adjustment Type: Choose the type of price adjustment you want to apply. You have several options available:

  • Fixed Price: Set a fixed price for the selected user role.
  • Fixed Increase: Increase the original price by a fixed amount for the selected user role.
  • Fixed Decrease: Decrease the original price by a fixed amount for the selected user role.
  • Percentage Increase: Increase the original price by a percentage for the selected user role.
  • Percentage Decrease: Decrease the original price by a percentage for the selected user role.

Value: Enter the value for the adjustment. This could be a fixed amount or a percentage based on the adjustment type you selected.

Min Qty: Enter a minimum quantity for the user role

Max Qty: Enter a maximum quantity for the user role

Replace Original Price?: Checkmark to replace the original price with the adjustment type selected

Click on the “Add Rule” button to apply the pricing rule for the user role.

You can repeat these steps to add additional pricing rules for other user roles or products as needed. By following these steps, you can set up different prices for different user roles using B2B for WooCommerce. The adjusted prices will be applied when users with the specified roles view or purchase the products on your WooCommerce store.