Setting Up Quotation Management
Go to B2B > Settings and navigate to the Request a Quote tab. You can set up quotation management by configuring the following settings:
- General Settings
- Custom Messages
- Emails
- Google Captcha
- Page Builders
- Quote Attributes
- Quote Buttons
Let’s discuss these settings one by one:
General Settings:
- Enable (Out-of-Stock): Enable/disable the request a quote button for out-of-stock products (Compatible with simple and variable products only)
- Quote Basket Menu(s): Add a Mini Quote Basket: Select the menu where the mini quote basket should be added (Option to add on multiple menus). Use the shortcode [addify-mini-quote]
- Disable quote basket for user roles: Select user roles to display the quote basket (By default, it is enabled for all)
- Set Basket Style: Select the style to display the number of items in the customer’s basket
- Quote Basket with Dropdown
- Icon and Number of items
- Enable Ajax Add to Quote (Product Page): Enable/disable Ajax Add-to-Quote on the product page
- Enable Ajax Add to Quote (Shop Page): Enable/disable Ajax Add-to-Quote on the shop page
- Redirect to Quote Page: Redirect customers to the Quote page once they have successfully added a product to the Quote
- Redirect After Quote Submission: Redirect customers to any page once they have successfully submitted a Quote
- URL to Redirect: Enter a URL to redirect after the quote is submitted successfully
Custom Messages Settings:
Enabled Ajax add to quote to customize the success messages for:
- Quote Submitted Successfully Message: Enter a custom message when a user submits a quote (Message will appear on the quote submission page)
- View Quote Basket Button Text: Enter a custom text to display for the view quote basket button
Emails Settings:
Enable and customize the following email notifications:
- Admin/Shop Manager Email Address(es): Add comma-separated email addresses of the admin/shop manager
- Request a Quote Emails: Set up emails for each quote status. Messages will be displayed before the quote table in emails. These quote statuses are:
- Admin (New Quote)
- Pending/New Quote
- In Process
- Accepted
- Converted to Order(Admin)
- Converted to Order(Customer)
- Declined/Products not available
- Canceled/Rejected
Below are the email settings for each quote status:
- Enable/Disable Email: Checkmark to allow emails for this status
- Subject of Email: Enter a custom subject of the email
- Heading of Email: Enter a custom heading for the email
- Additional Message: Customize email message to send for this quote status
Google Captcha Settings:
- Enable Captcha: Enable/disable the Google reCaptcha field on the Request a Quote Form
- Site Key: Enter a Google reCaptcha site key (available on Google). Without this key, Google reCaptcha will not work
- Secret Key: This is Google reCaptcha secret key (available on Google). Without this key, Google reCaptcha will not work
Editors & Builders Settings:
- Elementor Compatibility: Enable/disable this option
- Divi Builder Compatibility: Enable/disable this option
- Solution 2: Allow another solution if your add to cart is not replaced by the plugin Button
Quote Attributes Settings:
- Enable Product Price: Activate to display product price, subtotal, and the total of the quote basket (the price will always display on the quote basket and emails)
- Enable Offered Price: Activate offered price and subtotal (offered price) of the quote basket
- Increase Offered Price: Enter a number in percent to increase the offered price from the standard price of the product (Leave empty for standard price)
Note: Offered price will be displayed according to the settings of a cart (including/excluding tax)
- Enable Tax Display: Display tax calculation based on the standard price
- Enable Convert to Order: Allow customers the convert to order option at the frontend
- Enable Quote Converter Display: Activate to show quote converted (User/Admin) in My Account quote details
Place Quote Button Settings:
- Place Quote Button Text: Add a custom place quote button text
- Place Quote Button Background Color: Customize the background color of the place quote
- Place Quote Button Color: Customize the text color of the place quote
Update Quote Button Settings:
- Update Quote Button Text: Add a custom place quote button text
- Update Quote Button Background Color: Customize the background color of the place quote
- Update Quote Button Color: Customize the text color of the place quote
Configure these settings according to your requirements.
Click on the “Save changes” button to apply the settings.