How to Hide Products from Non-logged-in Users Using B2B for WooCommerce?

Hiding Products from Non-logged-in Users

To hide products from non-logged-in users using B2B for WooCommerce, you can follow these steps:

Log in to your WordPress admin panel.

Navigate to B2B > Settings > Products Visibility > Visibility By User Roles.

You will see a list of available user roles. Select “Guest” user and configure the following details:

Enable for this Role: Checkmark to enable products for the non-logged-in users

Show/Hide: Show/hide products from the non-logged-in users

Select Products: Select products on which you want to apply this functionality

Select Categories: Select categories on which you want to apply this functionality

Redirection Mode: Choose a redirection mode for restricted items from the two options:

  • Custom URL
  • Custom Message

Custom URL: Add a custom URL to redirect when the user tries to access the restricted catalog

Custom Message: Add a custom error message to display when the user tries to access the restricted catalog

Click on the “Save Changes” button to apply the visibility settings for the non-logged-in users.