Apply Country Restrictions for Specific Products
Go to Products > choose a product and click Edit. Then go to Product Data > Country Restriction to apply restriction settings to individual products:
- Exclude from product visibility rules: Enable if you want to exclude a product from visibility rules
- Enable / Disable: Enable or disable product-level settings
- Select countries: Choose countries where restrictions will apply
- Restrict add-to-cart: Check if you want to hide cart button
- Select a method of hiding add-to-cart: Select an option from the following
- Hide add-to-cart: Completely hide add-to-cart button
- Replace with a custom button: Enter text for the custom button and a link for redirection
- Show a message: Enter text to show a message when Add to Cart is restricted
- Restrict Price: Check if you want to hide the price for this product
- Restrict price text: Add custom text to replace the hidden price
Note: When global, product level, and rule level settings are all applied, priority will be given to the product level settings, then rules, and then to the global level settings.