How to Disable WooCommerce Image Captcha for Specific Countries?

Disabling WooCommerce Image Captcha for Specific Countries

To disable WooCommerce Image Captcha for specific countries, follow these steps:

Access General Settings:

Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.

Navigate to Image Captcha for WordPress and click on General Settings.

Disable Image Captcha for Specific Countries:

In the General Settings section, look for the “Select Countries” option.

  • Enable this option to indicate that you want to customize Image Captcha settings for specific countries.
  • Choose Countries: Once the “Select Countries” option is enabled, a list of countries should be provided.
  • Select the countries for which you want to disable Image Captcha. You may be able to choose from a dropdown menu or use checkboxes next to each country.

Save Changes:

After selecting the countries, save the changes to apply the customization.

By following these steps, you’ll effectively disable Image Captcha for the selected countries, providing a tailored user experience for visitors from those regions. This feature can be useful if you want to adjust security measures based on the specific needs and preferences of users from different geographical locations.