How to Prevent Automated Bot to Access Your Website by Image Captcha for WordPress or WooCommerce?

Preventing Your Website from Automated Bot

To prevent automated bots from accessing your WordPress or WooCommerce website, you can implement Image Captcha using the provided instructions. Image Captcha adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to complete a visual challenge, making it difficult for automated bots to bypass the protection. Here’s a summary of the steps you can take:

Go to WP Admin Panel > Image Captcha for WordPress > General Settings.

Personalize Appearance:

  • Set Captcha Field Title.
  • Adjust Captcha Field Icon Size and Color.
  • Define the selected color when the Captcha icon is chosen.
  • Optionally, select countries to disable Image Captcha.
  • Restrict access based on IP addresses if needed.
  • Hide Image Captcha for logged-in users if desired.

Customize Error Messages:

Go to WP Admin Panel > Image Captcha for WordPress > Error Message.

Set messages for when Captcha is empty or incorrect.

Configure Image Captcha Display:

Go to WP Admin Panel > Image Captcha for WordPress > Display Setting.

Enable Image Captcha for specific areas like login, registration, reset password, comment forms, and WooCommerce pages.

Choose the position of the Captcha on the WooCommerce checkout page.

Upload Custom Icons:

Go to WP Admin Panel > Image Captcha for WordPress > Upload Icons.

Upload FontAwesome 4 format icons (minimum of three).

Add Icon Class and Icon Name for each icon.

Implementing these settings will introduce Image Captcha to various forms and pages on your WordPress or WooCommerce site. Automated bots will find it challenging to solve the visual challenges presented by Image Captcha, enhancing the overall security of your website.

By following these steps, you’ll significantly reduce the risk of automated bots accessing your WordPress or WooCommerce website.