How to Hide or Show the WooCommerce Image Captcha for Logged-in Users?

Hiding or Showing Image Captcha for Logged-in Users

To hide or show the WooCommerce Image Captcha for logged-in users, you can follow these steps:

Access General Settings:

Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.

Navigate to Image Captcha for WordPress and click on General Settings.

Hide Image Captcha for Logged-In Users:

Look for the “Hide for Logged-In User” option in the General Settings.

Enable this option by toggling the switch or checking the box.

Save Changes:

After enabling the “Hide for Logged-In User” option, save the changes to apply the setting.

Enabling this option will ensure that Image Captcha is hidden for users who are logged into your website. This can be beneficial for providing a smoother and less intrusive user experience for your logged-in users who have already authenticated themselves.

On the other hand, if you prefer to maintain Image Captcha for all users, including those who are logged in, you can leave the “Hide for Logged-In User” option disabled.

By adjusting this setting, you can tailor the Image Captcha experience based on user authentication status, balancing security measures with user convenience. Always ensure that your chosen configuration aligns with your website’s security requirements and user experience goals.