Showing Customized Error Messages
To show a customized error message when a user makes a mistake in submitting the Captcha form, follow these steps:
Access General Settings:
Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.
Navigate to Image Captcha for WordPress and click on Error Message.
Customize Error Messages:
In the Error Message section, locate the following options:
- Captcha Empty Error Message: Enter the error message you want to display when no Captcha is selected. This message should inform users that they need to complete the Captcha.
- Captcha Wrong Error Message: Enter the error message you want to display when the selected Captcha is incorrect. This message should instruct users to try again with the correct Captcha.
Save Changes:
After entering your customized error messages, save the changes to apply the new error message settings.
By customizing these error messages, you provide clear and user-friendly feedback to individuals attempting to submit the Captcha form. This enhances the user experience by guiding them on how to rectify mistakes or omissions during the Captcha process.